Talk about how to technically take over the U.S. military's drones

Mortimer 2022-09-19 10:52:13

The following content is purely for entertainment, you don’t have to take it seriously, but welcome to discuss

that the drone in the play is a bit like X-45C, but it is estimated to be fictitious. Long battery life, the ability to perform attack missions.

With such a long voyage, it is definitely not enough to use the ground or an early warning aircraft as a relay. The measurement and control must be achieved through the satellite link of the global network.


first step to take over the drone is to get the drone measurement and control terminal. To hack into the UAV control terminal of the US military base (it must be physically isolated from the Internet), due to physical isolation, it is impossible to hack it if you want to rely on a small thing to access the Internet. Of course, some people say that there is communication. Vulnerability, we assume that terrorists do have an interface that can connect the Internet to the control terminal of the US military. The US military can completely turn off the control terminal or turn off the ground antenna. The drone will fall into the sea in a big deal.

Another trick is to make a terminal by yourself, which directly replaces the original terminal of the US military. Then it must be a physical device that can suppress the signal of the US military terminal and send out the signal by itself.

Therefore, he needs to have a ground antenna, send and receive satellite signals, and also have encryption and decryption equipment for UAV communication. It needs to know the frequency of remote control, telemetry, digital transmission, and coding and modulation methods. If terrorists really have such equipment, and By sending signals to satellites on the ground, the US military's global electronic reconnaissance satellites can easily find and locate them, and it will not take much time to destroy them.

The second step is to get the satellite link. Even if it has a safe and reliable terminal and cannot communicate with the drone without a satellite link, the US military can completely close the satellite communication link, and terrorists will have no curse.

Therefore, terrorists also need to take over the entire satellite communication constellation. To take over the satellites, they also need to get the measurement and control terminals, antennas, and also obtain top-secret satellite code tables, measurement and control frequency points, encryption and decryption methods, and so on.

Even if all this is done, the drones rely on GPS positioning. If the U.S. military turns off the GPS, the drones will still not work, so they have to take over the entire GPS system (of course GPS signals can be forged. Iran uses this trick to capture an unmanned aircraft machine).

When the terrorists have completed these two questions, the US military still has a way. The big deal is to use anti-satellite weapons to kill all their satellites. So the terrorists have to take over the US military's missile defense system.

If you have reached this point, it is almost equivalent to taking over the US military, then don't engage in London, it is too small and boring.

If a hacker hiding in the private sector manages all these things, it can no longer be described as a genius.

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