Not Dean is Carl, but Carl is Dean

Chelsea 2022-01-07 15:52:46

I think a large part of the people who look at this movie now are for James Dean. It was the same with me, and it was this movie that changed my favorite actor from Heath Ledger to James Dean. Among the actors I have seen, Dean is the only one who can be said to be a genius, a truly born actor. When I first watched "La Traviata", Garbo was shocked, and he didn't shock me as much as Dean.
Garbo’s Margarita makes me think that Garbo is Margarita. And Dean played Carl, which makes me think Carl is Dean. He followed his mother home, hovering in front of her house, dodgingly looking at the people behind the curtains. He took a peek at the date between his brother and his girlfriend, and deliberately made a loud noise to disturb them and let them know his existence. He asked his mother to borrow money to invest in the soybean business and prepared a birthday surprise for his father. He was anxious and excited to be praised by his father. After being treated favorably by his father again, he was full of pain, grief, anger, loneliness and despair.
Every look in Carl's eyes, every movement, and every word is Dean's. I can't tell where he is good, but he just conveyed everything to me. I can see Dean, I can see Karl even more, and I can feel all the ups and downs of his inner emotions. All of his is real, so there is no way of acting, there is no pros and cons of acting.
I think for someone like him, dying early may be a good ending. He looks fragile, sensitive, and lonely. He is like a man and a boy. There is no dispute that he will be popular in Hollywood, and his era will be born. But he is not like a person with a strong heart that can continue to live under the light of countless praise and money. If he could live happily in Hollywood, where he is drunk, he wouldn't be Dean. The 24-year-old Dean, the future that people see is painful, because he will always be so lonely, he will torture himself. Fame and fortune can not bring him happiness, but will make him more unfortunate. In other words, some people are extremely sensitive, so they become geniuses. The price is that they are more sober than most people. They feel lonely and painful all the time. They torment themselves with their extraordinary sobriety. Many geniuses are especially people who can't get along with themselves.
So, fortunately, before he destroyed himself, God made him immortal.

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East of Eden quotes

  • Bank Teller: Nice fat deposit - you're sure in the right business, Sally.

    Sally: Thank you.

    [to Kate as she walks away]

    Sally: Well, good morning.

    Kate: [approaches the teller window] Deposit.

    Bank Teller: Another nice deposit. You and Sally are sure in the right business.

    Kate: I'm in a hurry please.

    [snatches her bank book from his hand and leaves as Cal stealthily follows her]

  • Aron Trask: Don't you ever touch her again. I don't trust you. You'e no good. You're mean and vicious and wild, and you always have been. You know it, too, don't you? Father and I have put up with every mean and vicious thing you could think of since you were a child., and we've always forgiven you. But now I don't want you to go near Abra. I don't want you to talk with her. Just stay away from her!