Be yourself-thoughts after watching "The Legend of Xili"

Michale 2022-11-02 12:26:49

"Xili Biography" tells the story of a man who grew up in a sick family and finally got redemption. Xili's childhood was spent in indifference, violence and aversion. The native family turned his sister into an alcoholic and let his sister die in a fight with her husband. Xili became a schizophrenic patient, or he lost his personality. He has developed an extraordinary ability to turn himself into another person anytime, anywhere. Sometimes he is an office worker, sometimes a psychologist, and sometimes a painter. Sometimes he was thin, sometimes full of fat intestines; in the last second he was a high social tycoon with a Boston accent, and the next second he became a Chinese who swallowed clouds in the Opium House in Chinatown. He is like a chameleon, changing his skin color, body shape, language and even personality as he wants. People discovered his special function, which caused a sensation in the society. Psychologists were dispatched collectively, taking him as a rare case to conduct various studies. His strange stories were circulating in the streets, children sang his nursery rhymes, and adults made jokes on him. He is breaking news, which makes newspapers sell well; he is an object of curiosity, giving merchants unlimited business opportunities. Later, his sister and brother-in-law put him in a cage to tour around, and for a while, "Chameleon" became famous. People paid for tickets to visit this Variety King Kong, and his related peripheral products such as records, toys, and clothes. Overwhelming, endless.

In this curious carnival, only one person did not participate. She is Eudora. In that conservative era, Yudola was a rare female psychologist, flying a plane and not getting married. She was the only one who saw the lost self, despair and thirst for love under the appearance of the Xili Chameleon. She wanted to treat him, treating him as a patient, and at first she didn't get the attention of her peers—because she was a woman. At that time, the American society's view of women was still "they are only suitable for sewing and mending, and being housewives." After many setbacks, Yudola finally obtained the right to treat Xili. She took Xi Li to the peaceful countryside, where she started her psychological consultation. A few months later, when colleagues came to review the progress of the treatment, they were surprised to find that Xili had become an independent person. In the past, he constantly changed his image and disguised himself just because he was afraid of exposing himself, but now he is able to express his thoughts bravely. Yudola's achievements not only impressed her peers and brought her a huge honor, but more interestingly, she and Xi Li fell in love. Xili's confession occurred during a treatment:

Eudora: "Tell me what you think of me."
Xili (hypnotized): "I want to go to bed with you."
Eudora (surprised, embarrassed, and soon regained his composure): "Oh. I thought you were I don’t like me very much.”
Xili: “I like you very much. You are stubborn and your cooking skills are terrible. The pancakes you make are so unpalatable, I always throw them away when you are not paying attention. I am I love you very much. I want to take good care of you. Oh...please stop making pancakes..."

In this way, the psychiatrist who was determined not to marry fell in love with her patient and established a very deep relationship. They spent the best time of each other's lives together.

Jenellik wrote in "Good Time": "There is a crystal-like world separated inside, but the outside world still wants to break in."

After Xili fully recovered, he was ready to marry Yudola. At that time, he was punished from all walks of life. People have accused him of the wrong things he did in the chameleon period and held him accountable. He was accused in court and eventually found guilty of "incriminating morals." The tremendous pressure caused the old illness to relapse. When Xi Li was facing arrest, he miraculously disappeared from people's sight. Since then, there has been no news and disappeared.

The public soon had a new entertainment object, and slowly forgot him. A few years later, the sensational legend "Chameleon" has long since become a humble dust, annihilated in history and disappeared from memory.
Only one person has not forgotten. That is Doctor Yudola. She tried various ways to find West Force, but nothing came of it. Deep thoughts make her sleepless and sleepless and live like years. Until she got inspiration from Hitler's speech-will the chameleon, who is afraid of exposing herself, hide among the fanatical mob? With a glimmer of inspiration, Yudola heads to Germany, where the economy is sluggish and war-torn, to find her dreaming sweetheart among thousands of people.

"There are legends everywhere, but it doesn't necessarily have such a successful ending."-Zhang Ailing's "Love in the Fallen City"

is also only in the movie, and Yudola was able to protect himself from the crazy crowd, safe and sound. When the ruler of the Third Reich led thousands of people to anger, she found West Li among these neurotic patients, and met him, embraced, and kissed him.

Later, in a flight crisis, Xili's "chameleon" was once again inspired, he instantly became a pilot, successfully resolved the crisis, and saved himself and Yudola's lives. So he returned to the eyes of everyone again and made the headlines, but this time, he was neither a curiosity target nor a gangster defendant, but a national hero.

This movie can be called a masterpiece. In terms of narrative structure, it created a precedent in the form of imitation documentary, using character interviews + narration to tell the legendary life of Xili, almost in the real world; in terms of content, it uses Xili and Yudola’s unique love as the main line to discuss Psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and the far-reaching influence of the native family on the shaping of children's psychological character satirize human nature and totalitarianism, and flashed to express the tendency of gender equality. It can be described as all-encompassing. No matter from the perspective of conception, the plot of the story or the depth of thought, "Xili Biography" is extremely valuable for viewing.

Xili gave a speech after returning to normal people from the "chameleon". There was a sentence in the speech that drew a lot of applause: "In any case, you have to be yourself."-This sentence actually reflects the fundamental ideology of the American nation: it promotes individualism and opposes gangsters. For more than half a century, this ideology has infected other peoples and countries on the earth, even the Eastern countries that emphasize collective supremacy have been infiltrated. After all, young people in China now have a basic understanding: I should make my own affairs. Although this consciousness is not strong enough, it is often influenced by the external environment. Especially for women, she has been instructed to look at herself from a man's perspective, to disassemble her body through the way of male culture, and to pick her body parts with a harsh eye. All women, fat or thin, can’t help but talk about weight loss; life is full of stupid remarks such as "There are no more than a hundred good women" and "There will be women over 25". A 20-year-old city girl began to worry that she would not be able to marry— -Chinese women are falling into an unprecedented state of anxiety.

be yourself. It is the blind antidote that Chinese women need most. Only by becoming yourself can you get rid of the trouble of humble opinion, the kidnapping of speech, and regain inner peace and tranquility. You have to recognize the fact that in current society, culture continues to use, plunder and restrict women’s bodies, and male groups continue to dislike women’s autonomous desires. You have to know that your body belongs to yourself, it has always been one, and it has always been closely connected with your spirit, history, and experience. You are your own master, and you are not living to please others.

No matter how sinister the world is, please stay alert and be yourself.

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