Movie Slow Talking [0176] Partner of The Company Men

Mortimer 2022-01-08 08:01:11

[0176] Partner of The Company Men


The highest level of migrant workers is to either become a partner of a law firm or firm, or become an executive director, or become an investor or one of the major shareholders. And most of the hard-pressed characters in the movie are at most senior white-collar workers who are paid wages, and the core is still a part-time job. The Chinese translation of the name is really not that good.

Gene's wife is going to go shopping with her girlfriends, but she will naturally ask her husband to arrange a company plane. It can be seen that this is not the first time. In the period when the bubble is at its peak, these executives will not live much cleaner than our officials. If Obama wants to start with Wall Street, he really should raise his hands and feet in favor.

Dress up, polish up leather shoes, and drive a Porsche from a big house to a company. These people are all very ambitious, but they all have countless loans and long-unpaid bills and savings accounts. The money in it is pitiful. What's more, in the company, I was originally a fish. If I was killed accidentally, the whole family would be dumbfounded. For Westerners who don’t know how to plan ahead, life is not as easy as imagined.

The role of the wife is the same as that of an actor, as always, without complaints and chirps. Her existence is Bobby's greatest luck for survival. Not all unemployed people have such good luck. An MBA who had hoped to become a CEO. After becoming an unemployed, he waited a lot. I couldn't catch those opportunities that were hopeful but short-lived. I had to accept my brother-in-law's carpenter job offer. Although he performed poorly, he could feed his family anyway. The so-called professional managers, in addition to sitting in front of the computer writing emails, thinking about the fatal relationship between to and cc, or PK with people in the meeting room, they really have to make a living by some other means. His re-employment returns to the industry of building something, which may also be the way out of the world economy. By relying on economists who play with financial statements and derivatives, the world will end sooner or later.

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The Company Men quotes

  • Bobby Walker: I'm sorry, Maggie.

    Maggie: For what?

    Bobby Walker: For everything. For letting you down.

    Maggie: You haven't let me down.

    Bobby Walker: Yeah, I did.

    Maggie: You were never here before. And now you are.

  • Bobby Walker: There are thousands of new MBA's every year! They've got no family, no mortgage, and will work 90 hours a week for nothing! How am I supposed to compete with that?