What X teaches you and Magneto had to say about the past (serious spoilers, serious corruption, be careful!!!)

Alana 2021-10-19 09:50:19

Warning: This article is not strictly speaking a film review, but a first-person BL danmei essay with serious spoilers. If you don't like it, don't enter

1944. That year, I was 14 years old and you were 14 years old.
I am in New York, you are in Poland; I am rich in clothes, you are persecuted; I know my companions, and you are separated from flesh and blood.
For the same piece of delicious and tempting chocolate, I learned to use sharing to reap friendship, and you learned to use rejection to express anger.
In adolescence, the same superpower began to awaken. I used it to get a righteous sister, but you lost your mother because of him.
I gradually became tolerant, and you began to accumulate hatred. I hope I am no longer alone, you are helpless and you can't get rid of it.
In 1962, that year, I was 32 years old and you were also 32 years old.
I drink, pick up girls, and do academic work at Oxford University just to dispel my loneliness. You travel around the world just to hunt down and kill your mother's enemies. I call myself the Martin Luther King of the new era, and you mock yourself as Frankenstein's monster.
Maybe we all beings will not have intersections, but God's will still allows us to meet. On a yacht in Miami, you threw a dagger at your enemy with full of anger, but you were pushed down the river. You who were soaked in the water were not reconciled, and destroyed the yacht with iron chains. The enemy who can't resist your anger flees in a submarine, you are not reconciled, and you try to destroy the submarine, but you don't know if you continue to drown and die at the bottom of the river.
The cold river water, the thin oxygen, you gradually can't support it but still don't give up. Standing on the deck of the CIA battleship, I found the struggling you. I couldn't help but moved my compassionate heart and jumped down the river, using telepathy to persuade you to give up and drag you aboard. At that moment, you were in my arms, and through my thin clothes, I stroked your firm muscles, and I couldn't help but admire and regret. But you quickly pushed me away. I knew that my ability frightened you, so I pretended to be calm and advised you to calm down. You say, you think you are alone. I said, you are not alone, Erik, you are never alone. And I am no longer alone.
The next night, you tried to sneak away from the secret CIA base to seek revenge. But how can this hide me who can read mind? I deliberately pretended not to block, but told you face to face that I knew everything about you and you needed my help. You hesitated, and finally chose to stay, which was also in my expectation.
We went on a journey to find the same kind together. In the stripper’s box, no matter how hot the chick is, you will turn a deaf ear to it, and you just want to have a drink with me; in the taxi, you smartly toggle the meter to make the driver "Darwin" dumbfounded; in the bar, face You can still maintain your demeanor with the gross insult of "Wolverine"; in the aquarium, I found that our shadows reflected on the aquarium are so interesting; I gradually became fascinated by you...
That night, we faced each other. Silent at the children's mischief. Because of a joke from my righteous sister Raven, we have our own code name, I am X Jiao Shou, and you are Magneto. I pretended to be angry, but in fact I still liked the name "received" very much in my heart.
In the Russian barracks, you rushed in regardless of my persuasion, treating the soldiers as nothing, I had to follow you, because I don't worry about you alone. You used the brass tube on the head of the bed to subtly subdue the white queen diamond shape that caused my headache. Only then did I know that you seem to be chasing Emma Frost impulsively, but in fact it is to allow me to read her thoughts with confidence and boldly, and to know Sebastian Shaw's overall plan. At that moment, I fell in love with you...
Facing the secret CIA base that was blasted into ruins by Sebastian Shaw and his men, facing the miserable and helpless eyes of the children. You persuaded me to build our own army. I was persuaded by you and moved by you. I donated my house as a base for training everyone and started training this mutant organization that will change the whole world in the future.
During the training of the children, you asked me to hit you with a pistol to train your ability to control bullets. I refused because I was afraid of an accident (I knew that you did not control the bullet well and I would train you well), but you insisted on aiming my muzzle at your head, childishly acting coquettishly. I asked you to turn the radar around. You tried it and found it unsuccessful. I noticed that you use anger to control your ability. The best way to control your ability is to allow you to find a balance between anger and calm. After obtaining your consent, I entered your memory system.
At that time, your surviving mother was celebrating your birthday to you who is still a wife, and the warm candlelight is shining on your faces... This may be your only good memory. Looking at you who now contains hatred, I can't help crying. "You have much more than you think, those beautiful parts, when you touch them, the abilities you have are far better than me!" You burst into tears after hearing them. Finally, you successfully reversed the radar and showed a long-lost smile. Your smile, like a magnetic field controlled by you, penetrated my heart.
However, when you and I were playing the game that night, there was a disagreement. Reagan's speech opened the prelude to the Third World War. I decided to stop the war at all costs to save mankind, but you who have been brainwashed by Shaw firmly believe that mankind is not worth saving. They are full of fear and hatred for us like Shaw. Different ways are difficult to conspire. I advise that there is no peace even if you kill the Shaw world, but you say that peace never exists.
Later I learned that that night, my righteous sister Raven successfully seduced you (even if you don’t bend, I didn’t expect you to be so heavy!), thus planting the bane of the separation of you and me the next day... the
next day, We settled the conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union over the Cuban waters and fought Shaw. You stood on the landing gear of the fighter X-jet and tried your best to finally suck the nuclear submarine up from the bottom of the sea. However, the "Ripple" quickly responded with a hurricane. The X-jet was hit hard by the storm and began to fall. In a panic, I asked you to hold my hand and hug you tightly, saving your life again.
Both the fighter plane and the submarine crashed on a desert island. I command everyone to fight Shaw's men and let you stop Shaw directly. You quickly settled the "torrent" and entered the submarine, but you did not believe the fact that I had determined that Shaw was inside the submarine (I couldn't sense him, but I was sure he was there). Suddenly, you found Shaw, and I soon lost your contact.
Those few minutes were the longest minutes of my life, and I was afraid that instead of stopping him, you would be attacked by him. Fortunately, I worry a lot. When I sensed you again, I also found a way to deal with Shaw. You and I joined hands and finally succeeded in holding him down. Although I can't control it for long, you are still in your hands.
However, I underestimated your anger. You put on Shaw’s helmet and got rid of my control despite my dissuasion. I couldn’t feel you again, and my heart shook a little: I know you won’t let this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to avenge your mother, but I can’t Stop you. Once you unlock Shaw, your life is in danger, I can only pray for you to calm down.
Suddenly, a piercing pain struck me, and I realized that you were using coins to penetrate the brain of the enemy. My nerves that blocked Shaw were connected to him, and I felt all his pain. I couldn't help screaming in pain, but still couldn't untie the link. Until the pain is over, Shaw is successfully cut by you, his body is dead, and my heart is also dead.
When Shaw's body was removed from the submarine by you like a crucified Jesus, and you, wearing a Shaw helmet, drifted in the air like a proud God, I was silent, and the mutants in the audience were also silent. You tell us that you feel that the US-Soviet missiles are about to move in the barrel, have aimed at this island, and are ready to kill us all. I don't believe it, but I also understand that I am deceiving myself and others. Suddenly, thousands of missiles leaped into the air and flew towards us. With a wave of your hand, you all freeze, and then turn around, intending to shoot them back to those warships.
I yelled: "Stop! They are innocent, they are just carrying out orders!" You responded indifferently, your life was ruined by those who carried out orders. I can't help but rush to push you down (no connotation), but still can't stop all the missiles.
The female CIA agent Moira shoots at you, and you reach for the bullet. Suddenly, a stray bullet hit my waist and I collapsed to the ground in pain. You were shocked, rushed up to hug me (the princess hug) and immediately sucked out the bullets, ignoring the thousands of missiles, allowing them to explode in the air. I was stunned that you finally stopped your bombing of the US-Soviet battleship, but you turned around because Moira hurt me and wanted to take her angrily. I made it clear that it was not her who hurt me, but you, and you let go.
You gently hold my face and tell me how much you want you and me to be together forever, peaceful and happy. Being physically and mentally hurt, I can only frankly say that our paths are different. You silently accepted Shaw's little brother and my sister who was "blue face and trouble water", and left with remorse. When I calmed down and got into the wheelchair, I erased Moira's memory in order to vent my breath for you.
Years later, when you and I are called Magneto and X, will anyone know our past? Love, it has come, maybe, it hasn't gone far...

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Extended Reading

X-Men: First Class quotes

  • Professor Charles Xavier: Mutation. It is the key to our evolution. It is how we have evolved from a single-cell organism into the dominant species on the planet. This process is slow, normally taking thousands and thousands of years. But every few millennia evolution leaps forward.

  • [Shaw shoots Magneto's mother, which enrages him enough crush metal all around him]

    Sebastian Shaw: Outstanding, Erik. So we unlock your gift with anger. Anger and pain. You and me... we're going to have a lot of fun together.