Let me talk about "East of Eden"

Josephine 2022-01-07 15:52:46

James Dean has only acted in three movies in his short life, but as the saying goes: Even if he only appeared in one movie, he will still be the greatest actor in the history of American cinema. However, James Dean is not widely known in China. On the one hand, it is because in the era he lived in, the kind of American movies he played could never make it to the big screen in mainland China; and when his movie finally When it can be appreciated by the Chinese, it is rare to attract too much attention because of the age, and even the source of the film is not easy to get. If a Japanese friend who likes Dean hadn't given me a disc this time, I could only appreciate Dean's slightly shy melancholic smile through the freeze-frame image on the black and white photo. The film on the disc is the first film that Dean starred in, namely East of Eden. There are several Chinese translations of this movie, such as "Tian Lun Meng Jue", "Slut Moment" and so on, each of them has some meaning, but I still like the literal translation of "Eden of Eden" the most. The name Garden of Eden is immediately associated with the Bible, and although this movie describes the story of the United States during World War II, it contains metaphors about ancient biblical stories everywhere. His father's name was Adam, and he was a devout Christian. The names of his two sons are taken from the Bible, one is called Aaron and the other is called Karl. The eldest son, Aaron, has a gentle temperament and is loved by his father. The second son, Carl, was sensitive and melancholy, and his father couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Over time, his father preferred Aaron more and more, and alienated Karl more and more. Aaron became the representative of all "good", and Karl was the symbol of all "bad". Gradually, Aaron also had a clear sense of superiority. He and his father "forgive" and "tolerate" Carl's faults, hoping to use Their "caring" led him to always go on the "right path". Such a story frame is not difficult to reminiscent of the two sons of Adam in the "Bible"-Abel and Cain. Abel grazes and Cain farms. When it comes time to sacrifice for God, Abel offers a sheep and Cain offers some grain, and God only accepts Abel's sacrifice, so Cain has a grudge against Abel , Leading to the final killing of Abel. Cain's sin was "jealousy", but the source of his jealousy came from God's inequality. Cain, who worked as hard as his brother Abel, could not be appreciated by God like Abel, so he had hatred, and this hatred actually originated from the desire for God's love. The same goes for Karl in the story. He loves his father and hopes that his father can also love him-not what he wants him to be, but his true self. But no matter how he behaved, what he got was always his father’s comment, "Why can’t you be like Aaron?" This broke his heart and made him yearn for his father’s love more and more at the same time. Rebellious. At this moment, he found his mother who had long been dead according to his father. His mother was very different from his father. His father was a moral role model, but her mother yearned for freedom. She would rather abandon the bondage of marriage than herself. After leaving his father, his mother opened a tavern and a brothel from nothing, and became a mysterious noblewoman who lived in a simple way. What she did was deeply insulted by his father's moral values. He preferred to convince the children that she was dead. He didn't want to admit that she was still alive. After reading a report, Carl's father had a whim, and wanted to use ice cubes to cool the food to keep it fresh. He invested a lot of money in ice cubes, but he lost everything because the ice cubes melted during transportation. Carl saw it in his eyes, hoping to help his father recover the loss on the ice and get his love through his own power. So he borrowed $5,000 from his mother and invested in beans. After the outbreak of World War II, the price of beans quickly increased, and Carl made a lot of money as a result. He carefully arranged a birthday party on his father's birthday and planned to give his father the wallet he earned as a gift. Aaron completely forgot his father's birthday. In order to save face, he announced their engagement without his girlfriend's knowledge. His father said it was the best gift he had ever received. However, when Carl offered his gift expectantly, his father frowned, reprimanding him for speculation, making war fortune, and asking him to return the money. Carl was heartbroken, he squeezed the money into his father's pocket and ran out. Upon seeing this, Aaron ran out and reprimanded Carl for his "fault." Carl Wai hated and claimed to take Aaron to a place, so he took Aaron without knowing it to his mother. When Aaron saw that the deceased holy mother in his heart was actually reduced to an old bustard, he broke down and went crazy instantly. When my father heard the news that Aaron had gone crazy, he was in grief and was paralyzed by a stroke. At the end of the film, Carl was accompanied by his father's sickbed, and finally reconciled with his father with the help of Aaron's girlfriend. There is a passage in the opening of the film: In Southern California, the Santa Lucia Mountains, dark and brooding, stand like a wall between the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas and the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, fifteen miles away. Among them, Karl’s father Adam lives in the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas, here, he uses My own beliefs have shaped a beautiful and peaceful "Garden of Eden". Carl's mother "goed east" after leaving, and lived in the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, which is the "Eden of Eden" in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. stand like a wall between the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas and the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, fifteen miles away. Among them, Carl’s father Adam lives in the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas. Here, he uses his beliefs, Shaped a beautiful and peaceful "Eden". Carl's mother "goed east" after leaving, and lived in the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, which is the "Eden of Eden" in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. stand like a wall between the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas and the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, fifteen miles away. Among them, Carl’s father Adam lives in the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas. Here, he uses his beliefs, Shaped a beautiful and peaceful "Eden". Carl's mother "goed east" after leaving, and lived in the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, which is the "Eden of Eden" in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. Among them, Carl's father Adam lived in the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas, where he used his beliefs to create a beautiful and peaceful "Garden of Eden". Carl's mother "goed east" after leaving, and lived in the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, which is the "Eden of Eden" in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. Among them, Carl's father Adam lived in the peaceful agricultural town of Salinas, where he used his beliefs to create a beautiful and peaceful "Garden of Eden". Carl's mother "goed east" after leaving, and lived in the rough and tumble fishing port of Monterey, which is the "Eden of Eden" in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. Monterey, the "Eden of Eden" as mentioned in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. Monterey, the "Eden of Eden" as mentioned in the title. There is a real world, full of sin and desire. But the so-called Garden of Eden is nothing more than an illusion created by closing one's eyes to the evil in reality. When this illusion is exposed to the real human nature, it will be wiped out in an instant. Go back to the story of the "Bible". Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden. They were happy and peaceful. God's only requirement of them was not to eat the fruit of the tree of wisdom. Not to mention whether this "Bible" was written by God or was written by humans. Just to call the forbidden fruit the "fruit of wisdom" instead of calling it the fruit of sin or something else is enough to show the wisdom of the ancient Middle Easterners. . They have long realized that "wisdom" is the root of all evil and the original sin of man. However, human ancestors would rather give up the eternal happiness in the Garden of Eden, but must also taste the fruit of wisdom, which shows the yearning for freedom contained in human nature and the desire to control one's own destiny. And God's attempt to maintain a kind of "good" through human ignorance is really ridiculous. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man. James Dean’s short life is only 24 years, but the three films he left behind: "East of Eden", "Rebellion without a Cause" and "Giant" symbolize the spirit of the "Beat Generation" An indelible classic. The flower of life suddenly disappeared before it fully bloomed, which made people sigh, but the freeze-frame shot left the forever young and beautiful figure between a boy and a man.

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East of Eden quotes

  • Bank Teller: Nice fat deposit - you're sure in the right business, Sally.

    Sally: Thank you.

    [to Kate as she walks away]

    Sally: Well, good morning.

    Kate: [approaches the teller window] Deposit.

    Bank Teller: Another nice deposit. You and Sally are sure in the right business.

    Kate: I'm in a hurry please.

    [snatches her bank book from his hand and leaves as Cal stealthily follows her]

  • Aron Trask: Don't you ever touch her again. I don't trust you. You'e no good. You're mean and vicious and wild, and you always have been. You know it, too, don't you? Father and I have put up with every mean and vicious thing you could think of since you were a child., and we've always forgiven you. But now I don't want you to go near Abra. I don't want you to talk with her. Just stay away from her!