Never absurd

Yessenia 2022-11-22 08:34:41

I have been watching Woody Allen recently. This short little old man, energetic and cynical, likes to show his face in his own movies, has multiple identities, and often acts as a screenwriter, director and actor. Most actors have more lines, but Rohmer’s many lines are completely different. Rohmer is a life-like fragmentary term. Woody Allen is good at ridicule and expression. Sometimes it is stormy, and sometimes it is limited to the self-talk of a small group of people. It even makes people overwhelmed. For example, the art crowd often discusses Freud and Ingmar Bergman. These are not familiar to the general public. However, just like TSElliot's views on his poems. Similarly, some poems have to find their own readers instead of readers looking for it, and Woody Allen (and by extension, all art) is bound to find its own audience.

Several of his films are really exciting, such as the well-known "Anne Hall", where the difference in thinking between men and women makes people applaud, such as the frequently quoted question about the frequency of sex, three times a week by the two of them. The opposite attitude is presented, but there is another one that seems to have been forgotten by the Chinese. It is the talented imitation documentary, "The Story of the West" (also known as the Chameleon). The film is mainly presented in the form of interviews and narrations. The actors speak relatively in it. Less, the narrative is that a person named Lenard Zelig can transform at will according to his environment, only he can't alienate into beetles, spiders or other animals, but he is easy to hide in the same kind, such as a group of French people. Inside, he can speak fluent French. In the middle of the beard, he can immediately have a beard on his face. It can be a politician, a soldier, and even a crowd of people for a while, just to see the true face of his chameleon, which is medically correct. He conducted research and believed that this was a disease and needed treatment. During the period, the female doctor who treated him fell in love with him. The doctor learned through identity shift and hypnosis that the reason why he possessed this skill was actually just to protect himself. In order to be annihilated by the public, in order not to stand out, but in this way, he lost himself. When he was cured, reshaped himself, and announced his marriage with a female doctor, what he did when he split began to attack him from all sides. Come, for example, he has a wife in one place, a child in another place, etc., and everything is not groundless, but has real evidence. So the public was in an uproar again, believing that he was a wolf in sheep's clothing. He was evil and morally corrupt. He was cast aside like a mouse crossing the street. Under the condemnation of the community, his old illness relapsed, fled the mainland and came to Germany. , In that vigorous movement, he transformed into a soldier.

A paragraph of Saul Bellow’s narration is added here: “Although he yearns for care and love, there are other things in him, that is, the desire to be submerged in the public, unknown, and fascism just provides him with With such an opportunity, he can blur his identity by joining a huge movement.” This comment does not need to be explained. It makes people think of Arendt, how many things in human history and how many conscious fears have led to unconsciousness. The evil is due to similar reasons. There are countless examples in history and surroundings, even as small as the expression of opinions, in order not to be shot at the head, and keep silent. I don't want to try the first bite of tomatoes, but I want to enjoy the new delicacy after others have tasted it. My personal example is that every time when I go out, my father never forgets a word: build a good relationship with classmates, friends, and leaders. In fact, I understand what he meant. In his opinion, building a good relationship often means preserving his own mind. But what he does not understand is that he can also build a good relationship with some classmates, friends and even leaders without preserving his mind, and those who are open and honest If it doesn't matter, what are you going to do? But every time I nodded to my father's advice.

Back to the movie, the only one who always believed that Zelig was innocent was his doctor lover. She defended Zelig. When the personality is split, when there is no self, or when self-consciousness is blurred, the mistakes made cannot be counted as crimes, and she still loves through water and water. Looking at him, when she searched for him, and finally found Zelig in the Nazi barracks, she traveled a long way and went alone. On the day Hitler delivered a speech, he was found in a crowd of people. Zelig also recognized her. The two sides greeted each other, Yin Mistakes caused damage to Hitler’s speech aimed at insulting the Poles, and then managed to escape from the meeting. Hitler sent someone to chase after he found out, and the two flew a plane (the doctor was an amateur pilot). Dramatically, the female doctor Frightened by the plane that followed, Zelig once again showed his chameleon skills. A man who had never piloted an airplane, turned the steering wheel, turned and turned, and left Hitler's fighter far behind him. It is conceivable that after returning to China, he became a hero created by the times.

Add two comments at this time, one by Saul Bellow, "It is very absurd that the reason that prompted him to do this is his ability to transform, so his illness has also become his self-saving The root of this is his confusion that made him a hero.” The other paragraph is Owen Howe’s comment. In a sense, “It’s really ridiculous. For a while, he was loved and later People were repelled, and later because of the amazing performance of the plane, he was regarded as a hero again. The United States was like this in the 1920s. Recall, is there any change in the United States now? I don’t think so. "Obviously, this is the movie. The main theme of "Survival" is that survival is just an absurd rush. The nihility and absurdity of this existentialism are not diminished by modern technology, civilization or morality. But wait a minute, it seems too pessimistic to say this. Sartre’s original intention is far from being pessimistic, but just stating the fact that this absurdity exists. The same fact is the warmth of the world, the warmth that exists because of the absurdity, such as people’s desire. To be loved, to be recognized, to be welcomed, to worry about being rejected, to be isolated, to be despised, to be abandoned, and to be punished. To some extent, they are seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, but what is also implied is that you don’t pay, you don’t. How can we avoid the fate of being rejected if we work hard and don't seek a more healthy personality? The essence of absurdity is not to make people pessimistic and disappointed, but to find some strength in absurdity, like the small green tree that Bergote is waiting for Godot to plant. Hope is always there. Give up life now, or be swallowed up by the empty and empty life. Hey, to borrow a sentence from "The Bronx Story", you can be loved and respected. If you don’t do that , You are wasting your potential, and the most miserable thing in the world is wasting your potential.

It's not that you have to be accepted and loved to be called life, but no matter what the people underneath, they all have the right to be respected. Zelig said when accepting the commendation, "I have never flew a plane, which also proves that if you are a complete mental patient, how capable you will be." When you have enough perseverance to persevere, coupled with sweat and hard work, you can stay unmoved by others, and any wild lily can also bloom beautiful flowers.

Another point worth mentioning is that the only female doctor who never abandons Zelig has a greater love. If it is the curiosity and unconsciousness of the public that makes him absurd, then it is his lover who really makes him come back and changes his life. I don’t want to exaggerate, how powerful is the love of comrades, where is the source of a person’s happiness in life, how important is the look of a person who cares about, and everyone who has been loved and loved will probably not be unfamiliar. The look in your eyes can make you feel energetic, and the same look can make you fall into the clouds. Of course, this kind of ability is definitely not possessed by everyone, and it is by no means that a person has no resistance to anyone, but is often unique, as if it is all. You don't care what the people of the world think of you, but there is always someone who will judge you comparable to the life and death in the hands of the Lord Yan. This is of course silly, it’s self-lost. It’s like a child who doesn’t live up to the expectations of his parents. It’s scary, but whoever makes you and me imperfect, don’t you think that people still have a chance to be stupid. In the animal kingdom, it’s a stupidity. Life is at stake, and human beings have such privileges. Isn’t it something to be fortunate and to be respected?

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Zelig quotes

  • Leonard Zelig: [in a hypnotic trance] My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.

  • Leonard Zelig: I'm 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life... But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.