Can it not be so cheap?

Jayne 2022-01-08 08:01:41

When I open the horror film review page, there are often various sprays, and the scores are mostly unbearable. Take a closer look at the reasons for the sprays, there are probably two: 1. It is not scary enough; 2. It scares me.
The audience of horror movies is too difficult to serve, and they are not pleased no matter how they shoot. Originally, some pretentious fanboys like to show off their tastes by belittling other people's works, and horror films just provide excellent targets. After all, the content of such films is not harmonious and is not easy to shoot. It is indeed ten. Nine of the films are bad films, even if they are filmed, they may not be able to win the favor of those who are so frightened.
Audiences spraying horror films have another purpose to vent and retaliate. After all, I was hurt by the horror while watching the movie. How can I quell the bad breath if I don't greet the 18th generation of the director's ancestors?
Bad movies are disgusting, but what is even more unbearable is the self-righteous audience. Each movie has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want to evaluate a movie that you don’t like, just say that you don’t like it. If you want to say more, just show the facts and reason, and analyze why this movie is not popular. . Limited to one's own level, the audience who can't settle down to watch a movie, only spit their mouths, are the most disgusting.
Speaking of the movie "The Ward", it's old-fashioned, but I think the scary effect is very good. Basically every time I know where the disgusting Bala villain is going to jump out scary, but after a few seconds it still It will be shocked. Maybe it's because of my poor psychological quality, but it at least shows that the director's skills in making horror movies are quite strong and know how to create horror effects. The sound effects of the video are also good.

The spoiler starts below:

Regarding the plot, I think this story is not novel enough, but at least the logic is clear and self-evident, and the combination of horror scenes and storylines is also very good. The disadvantage is that the suspense is not strong enough, and the theme of split personality has been used a lot in movies now. To use this as a suspense point requires certain skills. For example, like "Fatal ID", the audience suddenly realized the moment the truth was revealed, but the mistake of the film was too early, and people guessed it early. It's about split personality.
Fortunately, the story sets up two suspense, in addition to the split personality, there is also the identity of the demon Alice. Some friends think that the demon Alice is also a split personality, which I cannot agree with. At the end of the day, the doctor said that it was treating by removing the superfluous personality, and as soon as he was hypnotized, the demon Alice appeared, indicating that it was not generated by the protagonist, but was "summoned" by the doctor. The setting of this suspense is still good.
Many friends mentioned "Pretty Girls Squad", I also think it is a bit similar, for example, the cause of the heroine's mental disorder is due to a perverted uncle, and the most compatible point of the two films is the female number one. , Are all split personality to bear the responsibility of protection, all have a strong will, all are blond, and so on. I feel "Pretty Girls Secret Agents" may have borrowed from this film. And the biggest difference between the two films is probably the performance of the mental hospital. The background of this film is set in the 1960s. The mental hospital at that time should not be so humane. From doctors to nurses, everyone cares for the protagonist. . Especially when the nurse who was fierce at the beginning gently sent the heroine's things to the bedside, he felt very awkward. Of course, it may be because the heroine's parents are around, pretending to be. The ultimate theme of this film is not to show resistance to power and resistance to persecution, so it is acceptable to make these arrangements for the plot. But I am always a bit uncomfortable. After all, since "Flying Over the Madhouse", I have been accustomed to the ugly face of the mental hospital as a villain.
Another film I would like to mention is "Bounded Island" starring Leonardo DiCaprio. Both of them also bear the label of "suspense", but I personally feel that the taste is a bit wrong. In this film, the suspense is not strong enough, and there are too many footsteps, but "Bounded Island" is the other extreme. The clues given above are not enough to support the final subversive ending, so it makes people feel more than shocked, but it is difficult to justify it. This led to two controversies about the ending of the film (pubic hair theory and disease theory). The interesting thing is that everyone seems to admire this so-called "open ending". After all, "Closed Island" is the work of a master~~To the master Showing fanatical likes and frantic tarts against "non-classic and non-master products" can also increase their own value in the eyes of some viewers.

The movie "The Ward" may not be the favorite object of some netizens who like to list all kinds of "XX must-see movies", but you will not feel that it is a waste of time if you spend an hour and a half watching this movie.

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The Ward quotes

  • Sarah: [seductively] So... Roy.

    [said as if growling the name]

    Roy: Not interested.

    Sarah: You didn't hear me out.


    Roy: Fine. Shoot.

    Sarah: Well, I know you said you wouldn't date any of us inside the ward, but...! I just know I'm getting out soon. And I thought maybe you could call me sometime.

    Roy: There is no way I will ever, ever date you. Got it?

    Sarah: But I know...

    Roy: No! Not ever! Now leave me alone. I'm swamped here, and I don't have time for this.

    [goes off]

  • Sarah: So, you and your coo-coo bird have fun sneaking out last night?

    Kristen: [sighs] Go away.

    Sarah: You could have gotten us all in trouble.

    Kristen: We were looking for Iris.

    Sarah: And?

    Kristen: Couldn't find her.

    Sarah: Well, you probably weren't looking in the right places.

    [indicating Emily, derisive:]

    Sarah: Not with Magellan over there.