Lao Tzu once said that good and bad things depend on each other, and the effects of different stages of development and change of things are also undergoing qualitative changes. Before a comprehensive understanding, they are eager to use and promote them. The result is often too much, causing irreparable consequences.
As a member of the world, we always show our existence to ourselves and others through various traces. The sudden disappearance of a person will bring great harm to all those who care about him. However, when people's wounds are healed under the comfort of time, the return of the missing brings not joy, but deep distress. Because they have become a part of the past, and their original place is no longer in the current life. Once you participate in the lives of others, you begin to have an impact on others. The deeper you participate, the greater the impact. Whether active or passive, the sudden disappearance is an extremely irresponsible behavior for the person who has been deeply involved in his life. Although in many cases, people pass by each other, come and go freely, far and near, but the far-reaching impact can only be realized after being lost.
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