
Mervin 2022-01-08 08:01:45

The first half did not feel so similar to "Lost in Tokyo", at least it gave me a different feeling; it is also possible that I have forgotten the specific plot of "Fan", just remember Bill Murray's cold humor and a little bit of loneliness ; Of course, on the other hand, I didn't think "Mystery" turned out so much. The second half evokes a little more memory, thinking in a good direction, right is the continuation of the director's style, and the chemical effect between the characters is not at all that "uncle and loli" can be equated in general.

Sofia Coppola Sofia Coppola is actually able to take pictures of the things he feels in his life. This film is also, most of the long shots can make people feel the pulse, and many wonderful details are quite a bit. Meaning: For example, "Friends" screened on Italian TV, same-sex erotic massage, the host mentions the name of the star that the protagonist has collaborated with, Alden Ehrenreich, Benicio Del Toro, and Benicio Del Toro. At a glance...

just to weaken the plot support and choose a male protagonist who lacks enough screen charm, for a director who relies on feeling to shoot things like her may not be a perfect choice.

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Extended Reading

Somewhere quotes

  • Johnny Marco: What's that book about again?

    Cleo: It's about this girl that's in love with this guy. But he's a vampire, and his whole family's vampires. So she can't really be with him.

    Johnny Marco: Why doesn't she become one too?

    Cleo: doesn't she become one too? Cleo: Because she can't. He doesn't want to turn her into a vampire. And if she gets too close to him, he won't be able to help himself.

    Johnny Marco: Oh, man.

  • Johnny Marco: Whoa! What the fuck, dude?

    Ron the Masseur: Oh. Did they not tell you how I work?

    Johnny Marco: No.

    Ron the Masseur: I have a website that explains my technique. I feel that if my client's naked, it's just more comfortable if I meet them at the same level.

    Johnny Marco: Yeah, it's - it's not for me. Thanks, though. Why don't you just pack it up.

    Ron the Masseur: Alright.

    Ron the Masseur: [after putting his clothes back on] S'sorry about that.

    Johnny Marco: Nah, it's cool.