Waiting for god

Chandler 2022-09-30 17:23:50

On a game day, Babe Ruth and Rugary from heaven met to watch the Yankees game. The little brother Joe DiMaggio failed to make the appointment because he was going to the house of his ex-wife Monroe to taste her new cookies. God said that the immigration affairs in Paradise are busy lately and come here late. No, the game is about to start. Both brothers think that God doesn’t understand baseball that much. He just likes to stop by. Yesterday he went to Kennedy’s house for dinner. Tomorrow, it is said that I will also make an appointment with Newton to visit his new laboratory. The most terrifying pair in baseball history hasn't seen each other for a few years, and the teammates and opponents of a lifetime have met each other and still sarcasm each other.

Babe Ruth: Dude, you don't look very happy after so many years.
Ruggieri: You know man, you deliberately chose to invite me to watch the game these few days. I thought you were planning to stay out of touch with me, oh no, we are all dead.
Babe Ruth: Don't be disappointed, watch the game start, don't pay too much attention to those records.
Ruggieri: That kid did a good job. He has been playing for the Yankees. Sooner or later, the record is left for others to break. Look at your home runs. No one ever doubted that the record would remain until the end of the world. , What's the result?
Babe Ruth: Don’t mention it, every few decades I have to drop one place in my ranking, and now it’s coming again. Look at the fourth one, almost 600. He is still young, and the top three can’t keep the taste. It's frustrating.
Ruggieri: Forget it, kids nowadays are richer than we were back then, and they are more popular with girls. Look at this kid, it’s said that all the women in New York want to touch his ass, and he wears size 2, Yankees. number 2! I thought no one would dare to use the back number in front of us.
Babe Ruth: He only hits, keeps hitting, your range is much wider than him, you still have many records, he can't break.
Ruggieri: Don’t you also have a lot of records? Frankly speaking, I’m not so relieved about this. I don’t want to end up when people mention Ruggieri and only think of a number and a disease. Why God this guy hasn't come yet.
Babe Ruth: My old buddy, you are the pride of the Yankees. No one will forget you.
Lu Ge Rui: Oh, Yankee’s pride, don’t irritate me with that. You played that movie, but I can only watch you here, oh my god, no one remembers what Ru Ge Rui looks like now. Now, people always think I should be like Gary Cooper and Gary Cooper. Of course, this kid played pretty well. You know, he is tall and handsome, and strong enough to fit my prototype.
Babe Ruth: Speaking of which, do you remember that year of spring training? Since that year, I have a bad memory recently. You were pretended to be that. At that time, I was fighting. You were on deck, and I wanted to look back. You say, Lou, look at me for a big one. I couldn't believe my eyes at that time. Was that you, Lou?
Ruggieri: Can you forget about that? All the unfortunate things happened to me, you know, that guy is a bald man with more than 1,000 degrees of myopia, and he is so short. I doubt he can't lift a bat at all. , I actually let such a guy impersonate!
Babe Ruth: Haha, there were a lot of jokes about that thing, that guy seemed to be quite hot afterwards, he was a wonderful guy, what's his name, look at my memory, Zelig! Leonard Zelig!
Ruggieri: Yes, there was a documentary later, I saw it here accidentally, hey, there is a video of that time in it, as you said, there is actually a wretched little old man standing behind you, I Oh my goodness.
Babe Ruth: Hey, there is such a film, he didn't pay me portrait rights!
Lu Gere: Lou Zelig, he actually changed his name to Lou Zelig, God, I can feel the fans in the stands, their mocking eyes are all directed at me. Hey, the game has started. God, this guy is really not on the road. Don't call him when you watch the game.
Babe Ruth: You have to admit, it was an interesting film, and that was an interesting guy. The images, old recordings, and old newspapers of that era are really nostalgic. I feel that I have returned to the glorious young years. Everything at that time is back. I am almost 300 pounds now. When I could hit 60 home runs a year, it was not easy because they could get so much material. You know I had a lot of girls at that time, and I heard them mention it by accident. They admired this little guy very much. But during the Great Depression, he became a popular person in the United States, performing, giving speeches, and participating in high society parties. , And even become a kind of culture, it was an absurd age, but we never get tired of it. That kid’s supernatural powers are very interesting. Of course, in my opinion, what makes me pay more attention to is that the female doctor is very beautiful. Yes, she has a kind of quiet beauty. Doctor is a noble profession, but if you have corns, they Will give you insulin injections. But the girl did a good job. She acted as a patient and entered the patient's heart, and fell in love with the patient. This is absolutely terrific, quite romantic. But the good times don’t last long. People tend to get tired of assimilated individuals. When you need entertainment, you can be an idol, but you only need a moral reason to abandon you, or you can be judged by the wrong tooth extraction. You are in jail, who knows that when you come back alive from Nazi Germany, you are a hero again. This is much harder than winning the World Series. This is the United States, and all ridiculous things are so reasonable. You know that I have also thought about the awakening of self-awareness. This seems to have never been needed by people in an independent and free America. Everyone seems so unique. But look at this little guy. He can be in your Democratic Republican Party. People are easy to do, and at the same time praising blacks and whites as brothers. He even takes turns to worship Christianity and Judaism. This kid transcends political parties, races, and religions, and is like God. You see, hasn’t God been here recently? I think he wants to. Have a good relationship with everyone, you know, celebrities in heaven are not easy to mess with, but obviously he is not as good as the little one, and I am not even sure if he really loves everyone. Oh, pass me the blueberry juice.
Ruggieri: I don't know if that guy is God or not. I only know that God won't come now and I won't even be able to see the second half of the ninth game.
Babe Ruth: Look, good guy, hit, new record, don't be too sad old guy.
Ruggieri:. . . . . .

"Thank you", knocking on the door, "I am God, sorry I am late, is the game strong guys?"

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Zelig quotes

  • Leonard Zelig: [in a hypnotic trance] My brother beat me. My sister beat my brother. My father beat my sister and my brother and me. My mother beat my father and my sister and me and my brother. The neighbors beat our family. The people down the block beat the neighbors and our family.

  • Leonard Zelig: I'm 12 years old. I run into a Synagogue. I ask the Rabbi the meaning of life. He tells me the meaning of life... But, he tells it to me in Hebrew. I don't understand Hebrew. Then he wants to charge me six hundred dollars for Hebrew lessons.