
Edison 2022-01-07 15:52:55

I feel that Hitchcock’s "Frenzy" I watched today is much more sophisticated and sleek than the two films I watched the previous two days.
The method of arranging the audience is becoming more and more natural, and it even feels natural. From the tie on the deceased's body to the announcement by the male owner that Lanni is wearing a tie, people subconsciously think that he is the murderer. Later, at the fruit stand, he left when the patrolman showed up again, and the bad temper he showed afterwards made people even more sure that he was the murderer. At this moment, but Qifeng turned sharply, the real murderer appeared, and Britney was innocent.
I like the scene where the secretary of the marriage agency found out that her boss was murdered.
At the corner of the road where the marriage introduction is located, there is a small alley next to it, and the front door is the mainland. After the murderer left the road after the murder, Britney left to the small alley, where he was seen by the secretary of the marriage agency. This is destined to be involved in a serial tie murder case.
The secretary entered the building, but the camera did not follow her upstairs, but stayed at the entrance of the building and the street for a while. This period of empty mirror is probably less than ten seconds, but it feels so long, because we all know what happened. They hope to hear the screams that they can also be released. The more they want to hear, I hope Ou Kirk makes you wait, adjusts your appetite, and makes you anxious. It wasn't until two people walked around the corner that the screams sounded. I think the settings of these two people are also very interesting.
There are many similar omissions in the film, in the hotel bar serving girls to get up, put on socks into the bathroom, and then give a close-up of a newspaper. It wasn't until later that the police opened the door and the camera came back to this room to tell you whether Britney had escaped. When the murderer tried to kill the barmaid again, the camera stopped at the entrance of the corridor and did not follow up. After hearing the murderer's sentence "You are the kind I like", the camera exited along the stairs. The scene of exiting the corridor was rendered full of atmosphere, but I didn't understand how it was shot.

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Frenzy quotes

  • Robert Rusk: I thought matrimonial agencies were supposed to bring people together?

    Brenda Blaney: Not people like you. Somehow I don't think our clients would appreciate your conception of a loving relationship.

  • Robert Rusk: l like you. You're - my - type of woman.

    Brenda Blaney: Don't be ridiculous.

    Robert Rusk: l'm serious. I respect a woman like you and I know how to treat you as well. You know, in my trade we have a saying. We put it on the fruit. "Don't squeeze the goods 'til they're yours." Now, that's me. I would *never* do that. You know that, don't you?

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