The second part is obviously not as good as the first

Dejah 2022-01-06 08:02:19

I watched the first and second parts together!
The first part is very vivid, typical French humor, not tacky, expressing emotion and happiness lightly, and of course, there is black humor!
Inspector Crosso in the first part is obviously more prominent, the humor is more sudden, and the artistry of the film is higher!
However, the commercial nature of the second part is very strong! The plot of the story is also not tightly arranged, the most important thing is that Inspector Crosso has begun to normalize, and there is less drama! Kind of Hollywood! ! ! ! !
Haha, Leon inside is still my favorite! What a great actor, he looks like a good man too!
The supporting actresses inside are all wonderful, each has its own merits, the secretary's gentleness and bravery, Beyoncé's star fan, and the female detective's enchanting, all are lovely!
Forget who said it, the two loveliest things in the world: one is nature, and the other is a woman!
I very much agree!

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Extended Reading

The Pink Panther 2 quotes

  • Dreyfus: Now, to, uh... to business.

    Dreyfus: [Clouseau holds his pen in the air, it makes a slight beeping sound] I have been, uh, instructed to re-assign you to...

    Dreyfus: [the beeping sound grows stronger] Clouseau? Clouseau...

    Dreyfus: [Clouseau starts tossing his pen and objects from Dreyfus's desk at the security cameras and ripping Dreyfus's portrait to remove the tape recorder] Aahhhh...

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: We were being recorded!

    Renard: [Dreyfus whimpers as the Black Berets break through Dreyfus's office windows] The Black Berets!

    Black Beret: [yelling] The password! What is the password?

    Dreyfus: I don't know!

    Black Beret: [the agent subdues Dreyfus for interrogation] Four! Three!

    Renard: We weren't yet told!

    Black Beret: Two! One!

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: [Clouseau looks at the back of his Medal of Honor and mispronounces "Hamburger"] Amburgar!

    Black Beret: Have a nice day.

    [the agents leave Dreyfus's office]

    Dreyfus: The password was "hamburger"?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: No, "amburgar".

    Dreyfus: I said "hamburger".

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: [repeating Dreyfus's mispronunciation] No, you said "amburger".

    Dreyfus: Amburger?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: No, "am-bur-grr".

  • Dreyfus: What - How did you know that we were being recorded?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Ah, easy, Inspector: this pen emits a small 'bipping' noise whenever it detects 'meecrowaves'. Radio Shack, $12.

    Dreyfus: What - How did you know the password?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: This little LED chip decodes passwords; I had it attached to the back of my Medal of 'Hon-nor'.

    Renard: Radio Shack?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: [Clouseau takes what appears to be a small tape recorder from his pocket] eBay; I got this there, too. What do you think this is?

    Renard: A tape recorder?

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: No. It only looks like a tape recorder; it's actually a pen.

    Renard: So you can write with it, and no one will know.

    Insp. Jacques Clouseau: Bingo!