Science. Religion

Alessia 2022-01-06 08:02:07

The movie was a little dizzy. Since it was a dispute between science and religion, I thought everything could be explained scientifically in the end, but it turned out to be from the hands of gods. On the contrary, I was more interested in the ten disasters. Baidu took a look and studied.

In the Old Testament story of the Ten Plagues of Egypt
first blood disaster disaster ------

LORD said unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is hardened, refused to let the people go.
Tomorrow morning, he will go out to the water. You will meet him by the river. You must hold the snake-changing rod in your hand and say to him: The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to see you, saying: Yung My people go and serve me in the wilderness, but you still don’t listen.
This is what the Lord says: I will hit the water in the river with the rod in my hand, and the water will turn into blood. Therefore, you must know that I am the Lord. The water in this river.
The Lord said to Moses, you say to Aaron: Stretch your rod above all the waters in Egypt, that is, above their rivers, rivers, ponds, and ponds, so that the water will turn into blood, everywhere in Egypt, whether on wooden utensils. There must be blood in both the stone tools and the stone tools. Moses and Aaron did what the Lord had commanded. Aaron lifted his staff in front of Pharaoh and his servants and struck the water in the river. The water in the river turned into blood. The fish died and the river smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not eat the water in the river. There was blood all over Egypt.
The Egyptians who practiced spells also used sorcery to do the same. Pharaoh was hardened in his heart and refused to listen to Moses and Aaron. As the Lord said, Pharaoh turned and entered the palace without taking this matter to his heart. The Egyptians were all there. Digging on both sides of the river to get water to drink, because they could not drink the water in the river. Seven days have passed since the Lord struck the river.

The second plague-the plague of frogs, the

Lord commanded Moses: Go in and meet Pharaoh and say to him: This is what the Lord said: Let my people go, so that you can serve me.
If you refuse to let them go, I will make frogs ruin your surroundings. Frogs will breed in the river. The frogs will come up and enter your palace and your bedroom, on your bed, and on your servant’s house. Go into your stove and your kneading basin on your people, and go on you, your people, and all your servants.
The Lord said to Moses: You say to Aaron: Stretch your rod over rivers, rivers, and ponds to bring frogs to the land of Egypt.
Aaron stretched out his rod above the waters of Egypt, and the frog came up and covered the land of Egypt. The magicians did the same with their sorcery and sent the frogs to the land of Egypt.
Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said: Please ask the Lord to take this frog away from me and my people, and I will allow the people to sacrifice to the Lord.
Moses said to Pharaoh: Leave it alone! When shall I pray for you, your servants, and your people, to get rid of the frogs, leave you and your palace and stay in the river?
He said, tomorrow, Moses said, do as you say! So that you know that there is no one like the Lord our God. The frog will leave you and your palace, and your servants and your people, and only stay in the river.
So Moses and Aaron left Pharaoh and went out. Moses cried to the Lord for the frogs that disturbed Pharaoh. The Lord did as Moses said. All the frogs in the house, courtyard, and fields died. The crowd gathered the frogs in piles and spread them all over the land. They were all smelly, but when Pharaoh saw the disaster eased, he hardened his heart and refused to listen to them, just as the Lord said.

The third plague-the plague of lice, the

Lord commanded Moses: You say to Aaron: Stretch out your rod and hit the dust on the ground, and the dust will turn into lice (or the same as the flea) all over Egypt. They did so. Aaron stretched out his rod and hit the dust on the ground, and there were lice on people and animals. The dust all over Egypt turned into lice, and magicians used sorcery to give birth to lice, but they couldn’t. .
So there were lice on people and animals, and the magician said to Pharaoh: This is a method of God, and Pharaoh's heart is hardened and he refuses to listen to Moses and Aaron, just as the Lord said.

The fourth plague-the flies, the

Lord said to Moses: Get up early in the morning, and Pharaoh comes to the water. You stand before him and say to him: This is what the Lord says: Let my people go so that you can serve me.
If you do not allow my people to go, I will send swarms of flies to you, your servants and your people, into your house, and the houses of the Egyptians and the land they live in will be full of swarms fly.
On that day, I will separate the land of Goshen where my people live, so that there are no swarms of flies, so that you may know that I am the Lord of the world, and I will separate my people from yours. There will be tomorrow This miracle.
The Lord did so, and the flies swarmed into Pharaoh’s palace and the houses of his servants, and the whole land of Egypt was ruined by the swarms of flies.
Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said: Go and worship your God here!
Moses said: This is not suitable, because we are going to sacrifice what the Egyptians hate to the Lord our God. If we sacrifice what the Egyptians hate before their eyes, would they not stone us to death? We are going to the wilderness, three days' journey, and offering sacrifices to the Lord our God as he is going to command us.
Pharaoh said: I will let you go and sacrifice to the Lord your God in the wilderness, but don't go too far, please pray for me.
Moses said: I will go out and ask the Lord, so that the swarms of flies will leave Pharaoh and Pharaoh's servants and Pharaoh's people tomorrow, but Pharaoh must not be deceitful any more and will not allow the people to sacrifice to the Lord.
So Moses left Pharaoh and asked the Lord, and the Lord did what Moses said, and sent the swarms of flies away from Pharaoh and his servants and his people. No one stayed. Pharaoh hardened his heart again this time and would not let the people go.

Fifth Plague——The Plague Plague The

Lord told Moses: Go in and meet Pharaoh and tell him: This is what the Lord God of the Hebrews said: Let my people go, so that I can serve me.
If you refuse to let them go, keep them forcibly, and the hand of the Lord will be placed on the livestock in your field, that is, on horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, and sheep, there will be plagues.
The Lord will distinguish between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt. Nothing that belongs to the Israelites will die. The Lord set the time and said: Tomorrow the Lord will do this in this place.
The next day, Jehovah did this. Almost all the animals in Egypt died, but none of the animals in Israel died.
Pharaoh sent people to see, who knows that not even one of the Israelites' livestock died, but Pharaoh's heart was stubborn and would not let the people go.

The sixth plague-the plague. The

Lord told Moses and Aaron: Take a few handfuls of ashes, and Moses will lift them up to the sky in front of Pharaoh. The ashes will turn into dust in all Egypt and on people. And the animals became blistering sores.
Moses and Aaron took the ashes from the furnace and stood in front of Pharaoh. Moses lifted up to the sky, and it became blistering boils on people and animals.
The magicians could not stand before Moses, because they had this sore on them and all the Egyptians. The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and refused to listen to them, just as the Lord said to Moses.

The seventh plague-hail plague The

Lord said to Moses: Get up early in the morning, stand before Pharaoh, and say to him: This is what the Lord God of the Hebrews says, let my people go, so that you can serve me.
Because this time I will bring all disasters to you, your servants, and your people, so that you know that there is no one like me in the whole world. If I stretched out my hand to attack you and your people with the plague, you would have been removed from the ground long ago. Extinct, in fact, I asked you to survive to show you my power and to spread my name throughout the world. Do you still exalt my people and not let them go? Tomorrow about this time, I will send heavy hail to fall. Since the founding of Egypt, there has been no such hail.
Now you have to send people to urge in your livestock and everything in your field. Anyone who does not take home in the field, whether it is a man or a livestock, hail will fall on them, and they will die.
Among Pharaoh's servants, those who were afraid of the words of the Lord sent his slaves and livestock into the house, but those who did not take the words of the Lord to heart kept his slaves and livestock in the field.
The Lord said to Moses: Stretch out your rod to the sky, so that there will be hail on the people and livestock of all over Egypt, and all the vegetables in the fields.
Moses stretched out his staff to the sky, and the Lord thundered and hail, and fire flashed to the ground, and the Lord hailed the land of Egypt.
At that time, hail and fire were mixed, and it was very serious. Since Egypt became a nation, there has been no such thing in the land. In Egypt, hail hit all the people and livestock, and all the vegetables and vegetables in the field, and destroyed all the trees in the field. . Only the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, had no hail.
Pharaoh sent people to call Moses and Aaron and said to them: This time I have sinned, the Lord is righteous, and my people and I are evil. This thunder and hail is enough. Please ask the Lord , I will let you go, and will no longer hold you.
Moses said to him: As soon as I leave the city, I will raise my hands and pray to the Lord. The thunder will stop and there will be no more hail, so that you will know that the whole earth belongs to the Lord. As for you and your servants, I know you Still not afraid of the Lord God.
At that time, hemp and barley were hit by hail, because the barley had spit out ears and the hemp had bloomed, but the wheat and cousc were not hit because they had not grown.
Moses left Pharaoh and went out of the city and raised his hands to pray to the Lord. The thunder and hail stopped, and the rain no longer poured on the ground. When Pharaoh saw the rain and hail and thunder stopped, he sinned even more, and he and his servants were hardened. Attentively.
Pharaoh's heart was hard, and he would not let the Israelites go, as the Lord had said through Moses.

The eighth plague-the plague of locusts The

Lord said to Moses: Go in and see Pharaoh. I harden the hearts of him and his servants to show these miracles of me among them and tell you to show me to them. The things that the Egyptians did and the miracles that were performed among them, will be heard in the ears of your son and your grandson, so that you may know that I am the Lord.
Moses and Aaron went in to see Pharaoh and said to him: This is what the Lord God of the Hebrews said: How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go to serve me.
If you refuse to let my people go, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your territory, covering the ground, even invisible, and eating the leftovers of the hail and all the trees that grow in the fields, your palace and your people. The servants’ houses and all the houses of the Egyptians will be filled with locusts. Since your ancestor and your ancestor’s ancestors were alive, until today, without seeing such a disaster, Moses turned and left Pharaoh.
Pharaoh's servants said to Pharaoh: How long will this man be our snare? Let these people serve the Lord their God! Egypt has been corrupted, don’t you know?
So Moses and Aaron were called back to see Pharaoh, and Pharaoh said to them: Go and serve the Lord your God, but who is going to go?
Moses said: We must go with our young and old, our sons and daughters, and bring the flocks and herds with us, because we must observe the festival to the Lord.
Pharaoh said to them, "The Lord will be with you when I let you go with your wives and children!" You must be cautious, because disaster is in front of you (or malicious intent), don't go all, you adults, go and serve the Lord! Because this is what you asked for, so you threw them out of Pharaoh. The Lord said to Moses: Stretch your rod to the land of Egypt and bring the locusts to the land of Egypt and eat all the vegetables on the ground, which are leftovers from the hail.
Moses stretched out his rod towards the land of Egypt. That day and night, the Lord caused the east wind to blow on the land of Egypt. In the morning, the east wind blew the locusts. The locusts came up and landed on all areas of Egypt. There will not be any from now on, because the locusts covered the ground, and even the ground was dark, and they ate all the vegetables on the ground and the fruits of the trees left by the hail. Egypt was everywhere, whether it was trees or vegetables in the fields, even a little green. Did not stay.
So Pharaoh hurriedly summoned Moses and Aaron and said: I have sinned against the Lord your God, and I have sinned against you. Now I beg you, only this time, forgive my sins, and ask the Lord your God to save me from this death. , Moses left Pharaoh to ask the Lord.
The Lord turned a great westerly wind and blew the locusts into the Red Sea. Not even one remained in the four borders of Egypt, but the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and would not let the Israelites go.

The Ninth Plague-the Plague of Darkness, the

Lord said to Moses: You stretched out your rod to the sky and made the land of Egypt dark. The darkness seemed to be tangible. Moses stretched out the rod to the sky, and the whole land of Egypt was dark for three days. For a long time, people could not see each other, and no one dared to get up and leave this place. Only the light was in the house of the Israelites.
So Pharaoh summoned Moses and said: Go and serve the Lord, but your flocks and cattle will stay, and your women and children can go with you.
Moses said: You must always give us sacrifices and burnt offerings so that we can offer sacrifices to the Lord our God. Our animals must also be taken without leaving a hoof, because we must take them out. By the Lord our God, we did not know what to serve the Lord before we got there, but the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and refused to let them go.
Pharaoh said to Moses: Leave me! Be careful not to see me again, because you will die the day you see me.
Moses said: If you speak well, I will never see your face again.

The tenth plague-the plague of killing the eldest son, the

Lord said to Moses: I will bring the same plague to Pharaoh and Egypt, and then he will let you leave this land, and when he lets you go, he will always urge you Go out from this land, and you must preach to the ears of the people, so that each of them, men and women, ask their neighbors for gold and silverware. The Lord has made the people find favor in the sight of the Egyptians, and Moses is in the land of Egypt, Pharaoh’s servants, and the people Seen as great in his eyes.
Moses said: This is what the Lord said: About midnight, I will go out and travel all over Egypt. Everywhere in Egypt, from Pharaoh sitting on the throne to the maidservant after the mill, all the eldest sons, and all the first-born livestock, will die, and all over Egypt There will be great wailing. There was no such thing before, and there will be no later. As for Israel, whether it is a man or an animal, even dogs dare not shake their tongues to them, so that you know that the Lord separates the Egyptians from the Israelites. All your servants will come down to see me and say: Go out, please and the people who follow you, and then I will go out, so Moses left Pharaoh angrily and went out.
The Lord said to Moses: Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that my miracles will multiply in the land of Egypt. Moses and Aaron did all these miracles before Pharaoh. The Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and would not allow the Israelites to leave him. ground.

Excerpt from Exodus

Just like the heroine's explanation of the curse in the film, the events such as the "Ten Catastrophes" and "Moses' Sharing of the Red Sea" recorded in the Bible are probably not myths or miracles, but originated from a natural disaster. Most of the events in the Bible Exodus can be explained by a volcanic eruption on the Greek island of Santorini in the 16th century BC.
After Moses suffered ten major disasters in Egypt, he led the Hebrews out of Egypt. Many of the events surrounding Exodus were probably caused by this volcanic eruption, which is about a thousand times more powerful than a nuclear bomb. . The volcanic ash cloud formed after the volcanic eruption is likely to plunge the neighboring area into darkness and produce lightning and hail, which coincides with the two disasters recorded in the Book of Exodus. In addition, the volcanic ash cloud may also reduce rainfall and cause drought. If the Nile River was polluted by a volcanic eruption at that time, the river might indeed turn red, which is the first disaster recorded in the Bible to turn blood. After the river is polluted, it may force millions of frogs to flee to land, which is in line with the second plague in Exodus. Frogs will die one after another on land, while flies and children will breed due to the disappearance of their natural enemies, causing the third and fourth plagues. Flies can transmit deadly diseases to livestock and cause abscesses on humans, the fifth and sixth plagues. Even the story of Moses sharing the Red Sea may actually originate from this volcanic eruption, and cited the theory that "Red Sea" is actually a mistranslation of "Weihai", which refers to a shallow swamp. The eruption of the Santorini volcano is likely to trigger a tsunami as high as 600 feet and a speed of 400 miles per hour. Even after deepening into the Egyptian Triangle, this huge wave may still be six feet high and a speed of 100 miles per hour. Such natural disasters will circulate for several generations and may become the inspiration for biblical stories.

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Extended Reading
  • Fernando 2022-04-20 09:02:09

    In general, it is to be taken as a warning

  • Yvette 2022-03-25 09:01:14

    The plot is worth scrutinizing; Anna is so beautiful

The Reaping quotes

  • Maddie McConnell: Are you here for my girl? Are you gonna kill my baby girl?

    Katherine Winter: What? No!

    Maddie McConnell: Why not?

    Katherine Winter: I'm just trying to help her.

    Maddie McConnell: She doesn't need help. Can't you see that?

  • Ben: [on the plagues] There's still six more left.