Future tense

Sam 2022-12-04 23:33:02

Heroes, 4400,...
These American dramas,...
Of course, there are more than that, as well as Star Wars, Alien,...

It seems that Yankees are really good at shooting science fiction subjects, because their eyes and thoughts are placed on imagination and the future.
A new nation without historical precipitation can only focus its creativity on what hasn't happened.

The United States is indeed a nation that likes to make films about the future.

Too heavy history always reminds us. This is the characteristic of old people, our country and nation are like this.

I remember it was said in a success study book:
I am almost 80 years old, and I am already 79. They are two completely different mentalities.
Living in the future tense is always better than living in the past tense.
This is why I have always been fortunate to like science fiction subjects.

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Extended Reading

The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.