Beauty also passed the hero level

Dora 2022-01-06 08:01:59

"Dead Or Alive" is a fighting competition story adapted from the famous video game "Dead Or Alive", which basically retains the classic scenes in the original game, such as the original soundtrack, referee sounds, fighting background, beach volleyball, etc. The 87-minute film length will basically not distract the audience: beautiful and handsome men, muscular beaches, bikinis, fighting arenas, Guilin scenery, conspiracy codes, family, love, friendship, and many commercial elements are all!
In fact, the original game is not very storytelling, but "Life and Death Fighting" retains the charm of the original game and enriches the drama conflict to a large extent. The narration of the film is basically compact, and the main characters are relatively distinct. In addition to retaining the plot and characters of the original game, many fighting venues in the game have also been transplanted to the movie as they are. I believe this setting will surely make many game enthusiasts scream. The character modeling has been improved from the exposed dress in the original game to the current modest. The action design of this film does not seek realism. It follows the line of fisting and embroidering. There are not a lot of violent and bloody scenes in the film, nor any fighting scenes that appear too cruel. It just breaks down the action, clicks it to the end, and maximizes it. The physical advantage of non-professional action actors in the film. The stunt scenes in this film are relatively simple, with a comic style. It seems that the purpose is not to pursue realism, but to make a fuss on the fever level. Probably the biggest technical contribution of this film is editing, which fully reflects the characteristics of Hong Kong movies-sharp and concise technique.
Beach volleyball and bamboo forest battle are the highlight of the film. The beach volleyball combination of Xia, Christine, Tina and Helena is very eye-catching. The shooting technique in this section is relatively relaxed and refreshing. It shows the dynamic beauty of the four beauties. Several people serve, hit the ball, and smash the ball. Appears very skilled. The bamboo forest battle between Kasumi and Ayako perfectly combines action and scenery. Although the scene is small, a large number of skillful action designs make the fight between the two beauties in the emerald green look different. Then there is the hand-to-hand fight between Tina and a black contestant. This movement is designed to be extremely real and fierce, but the process and ending are still humorous.
In addition, the film seems to have some spoof elements. When Princess Xia walked down the stone steps and faced a large number of soldiers, she seemed to be the nameless of the female version of "Hero"; the scene where Helena held a katana alone and fought against multiple killers alone was obviously in the shadow of "Kung Fu Emperor Fang Shiyu"; The volley horse in the battle completely restores the little sister Zhang in "Ambush on Ten Sides"; the bamboo ladder balance bucket at the end of the film has the style of Jackie Chan and so on. Although they seem to be familiar with each other, they are all of a good quality.
The Hollywood works of Chinese directors, of course, have to join in!

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DOA: Dead or Alive quotes

  • Tina Armstrong: How the hell are we supposed to get up there?

    Kasumi: We better get going.

    Christie Allen: Well, you're both on your own. I don't do teams.

    Tina Armstrong: Well that's fine with me, any team you're part of is bound to lose anyway.

    Christie Allen: Well I'll remember that when I'm collecting the $10 Million.

  • Kasumi: [after landing way off course from the site] ... It's a sign.

    Tina Armstrong: Look little Miss Zen Master. This isn't Karate Kid, it's DOA... as in Dead or Alive, as in 10 million dollars...

    Kasumi: [points to a sign] You don't understand. It's a sign.