About something I want to say

Nicole 2022-09-28 16:19:48

I was choked on my chest, and my brain was flooded with a kind of power. It was the feeling after watching this movie...

This is not only a documentary, but also popular science. For the first time, I learned about the operation of anti-excitement organizations and some knowledge about banned drugs.

The film’s foreshadowing is a bit long, but after the long foreshadowing, every second is thunderous, and every story is too shocking...

After calming down, express what I want to say

First of all, I want to apologize for my unclear truth and simply boiled down to the United States’ conspiracy and political conspiracy, as well as the brainless politically correct behavior on the Internet... I am a person who has a irrational filter towards Russia, look. This kind of work really makes me choke silently...

From the Sunday Post to the German documentary, to the investigation that began in 15 years, to the inside story that was revealed almost every day that year, and various rumors of suspension, to this documentary that merged all the previous into a 120-minute documentary.

They are just a pair of hands that expose the truth. What really makes people fall through is always the truth itself.

So the truth is here, it's just whether you want to believe it. In any case, this must be the biggest doping scandal in human history.

Human beings are always fighting against the system. Highly collectivist countries, the legacy of the former Soviet Union...This is a means to fight against the International Anti-Doping Center, and Gerry is not a person who fights against another system...

The last high wall, Gerry huddled in the corner, and the power of this documentary-truth!

There is one more detail. Finally, Putin’s description of Grigri is: defector (I am afraid that the English translation is inclined, so I used my touching Russian level to listen to this sentence many times, and then I checked the dictionary and it was translated into Traitor)... This kind of sly terminology, maybe everything speaks for itself...

Ironically, I know this was taken by the USA, and I want to use first-hand and second-hand information from a multi-national perspective to get an objective fact. So I deliberately searched for the Russian doping scandal on Baidu, and the result: There is no official record of the incident, only a variety of news on various websites... Russian websites are even more secretive...

This time, the filter is really broken...

Politics pollutes sports. In fact, sports have long been muddied by politics... What's more important is that besides technology... the equally important stubbornness, patriotism, and willingness to sacrifice...

Finished, looking at the bookshelf in 1984, I felt it was too heavy to hold

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Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.