If I didn't meet you

Catharine 2022-11-29 10:29:21

For a long time, I was rejecting American TV series. Everyone around me was talking about "Prison Break", and I always heard "24 Hours" when I returned home. I am a person who hates watching things a little bit, so I rarely read novels and series. Counting the American serials I have watched, there are also films that are not related to each other such as the American School, Six People, and Sex and the City.
It just so happens that I watch "the 4400" without asking, it took a few days of my sleep.
Many people know that only when they are lost, we know to cherish, so we always hope that we can die, and we can see the performance of the people we care about, and we want to tell each other, if you have lost me, be sad, cherish it, and I will survive. You have to treat me well from now on.
But when you suddenly disappear from the life of the person you love, the person who loves you, will that really happen? I often think, if the one I love suddenly disappears, will I wait forever? Even if I would, how would people around me comment? She is crazy, this woman is crazy. My friend will persuade me, maybe he left irresponsibly, not worth it for this kind of man. Our mutual friends will persuade me, no matter what, this person is gone, wait a year or two for the meaning, and hurry up and live on your own.
Waiting, waiting, waiting for him for 10 years and 20 years, waiting endlessly, waiting without purpose. Maia's parents may have been waiting until they died, and they couldn't know the answer. Lily's husband chose to start a new life, no matter what, Lily has been away for so many years, he is happy. Tom chose to wait through all difficulties, and waited until his son woke up and his nephew came home, but everything was not what he thought.
When I first heard Worry about you, I was crying. While You're Gone, so many people have been waiting for a fruitless and promised wait in their entire lives. I'm waiting. I have waited for 5 years. I tell myself every year that this is a wait without results. I tell myself every year that I must end this waiting next year and next year. Every year, I have no way to go.
We always say, give each other some time, we calm down. But we are not 4400. There is no room for us to calm down. When we are "calm", we need to live. Our lives are full of all kinds of people.
Today, I can say that I am the person I love the most, and you are the person I love the most. What about tomorrow? Tomorrow when I and others experience death, crisis, danger, joy, happiness, misfortune, laughter, and cry. In all of this, when there is no you in it, am I still the one I love most?
I have been thinking that I can wait and wait until one day we can start again. We all thought we could, didn't we?
But when we really face each other, we know that it can't be done. Over the years, we have been changing, and this change is unforgettable. In this change, there is no other party. Long time ago, there is no other position.
Suddenly, I was relieved.
Suddenly, I can say love to the people around me.
I wish that when we loved each other the most, we encountered a disaster, sealed you and me, and woke up. Maybe we will cherish each other more.

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.