"The Hangover" is a film directed by Todd himself. It basically follows his previous style, road movie + shit, and his personal style is basically difficult to change easily. However, this film is still different from the previous films of the same type. Todd has made major changes in the structure. Instead of direct narration, he came back to find the answer. The incredible scene on the second day aroused the audience's interest. This suspenseful approach makes this comedy very different.
Due to the different structure of storytelling, Todd has cut down a lot in the jokes of shit and ass. In the end, there are not so many scenes that made people laugh in the past. Of course, perhaps disgusting is no longer used as a joke. The structure of the film is cleverly handled. "The Hangover" has caught the eye of more audiences, and has even been praised by professionals. But for me, the story is well told, but it doesn’t. It's too funny, it seems a bit regretful as a comedy.
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