only love

Davonte 2022-01-07 15:52:46

James Dean has made three movies in this life, all of which can be called classics, I only like this oneA friendship between father and son. What moved me was not only the wonderful emotions between father and son, but also the unique performance from James Dean, which showed me that there was such an extraordinary person in the United States in the 1950s. The movie actor was moved by it. It’s a pity that he only left three movies for future generations, but he left us early. But I still can’t forget his bewildered face and blank eyes. Maybe he just did it for this. Three movies live.

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Extended Reading

East of Eden quotes

  • Bank Teller: Nice fat deposit - you're sure in the right business, Sally.

    Sally: Thank you.

    [to Kate as she walks away]

    Sally: Well, good morning.

    Kate: [approaches the teller window] Deposit.

    Bank Teller: Another nice deposit. You and Sally are sure in the right business.

    Kate: I'm in a hurry please.

    [snatches her bank book from his hand and leaves as Cal stealthily follows her]

  • Aron Trask: Don't you ever touch her again. I don't trust you. You'e no good. You're mean and vicious and wild, and you always have been. You know it, too, don't you? Father and I have put up with every mean and vicious thing you could think of since you were a child., and we've always forgiven you. But now I don't want you to go near Abra. I don't want you to talk with her. Just stay away from her!