
Alberto 2022-01-07 15:52:46

I once read "Genesis" in the "Bible" and felt desperate.

Adam, the first person in the world, God made it out of clay just like himself. Eve, the second person in the world, God made a rib of Adam. The third person in the world, Cain, is the first son of Adam and Eve, whose name means "get." He was angry, jealous, and hated his brother, so he killed his brother. God asked him: "Where is your brother?", he said: "I don't know! Am I the guardian of my brother?". Everyone falsely defines Cain as the first vampire. The fourth person in the world, Abel, who is so-called good everywhere and loved by everyone, was killed by his demon brother Cain. The name Abel means "Void". The fifth person in the world, Seth, whose name means "gift", was given by God to compensate Adam and Eve for losing their good son Abel. He was born instead of Abel.

What do you think about it? Do you just think that human beings are inherently not kind? How tender is the presentation of the movie "Eden of Eden" and how much love for humans?

In Genesis, God cursed Cain the murderer, cursing him to get nothing from now on, and to wander in the world forever. Cain in the movie is Cal, played by James Dean, and he is redeemed in the movie. He was redeemed because there was a girl in the world who loved him and understood his jealousy and the feeling of not being loved. The feeling of not being loved is terrible. There is only hatred, guilt and loneliness in my heart. All I want to do is destroy. Love makes a person complete, hate makes a person twisted and incomplete. That girl is an angel and wants him to be complete and strong.

Cain's story in Genesis is not tender. Abel, a three-good student, is obedient and lucky, so his grades are good. From the gods to the father, he is pleased with him. Cain is more unlucky, and everyone is not pleased with what happened to be done. Unfairness is the last word in this world. In Genesis, people were doing their own destined things. Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a farmer. One day, Cain offered vegetables and grains from the ground to God; Abel also offered the fat of the firstborn of his flock and sheep. God liked Abel and his offerings, but he didn't like Cain and his offerings.

To be loved or not is indeed destined. But the movie says that people have choices, so Cal, who sent his brother to see the god of death in the movie, didn’t wander the world like Cain, but said to dad, I’m sorry, I was wrong, I remember everything you said; he is old Dad Adam chose to give a hint of love. This is life. Everyone lives by this kind of hypocrisy and hypocrisy. Otherwise, all the brothers in the world would kill his younger brother, the husband would choke his wife to death, and the son would be pissed off his father. Even if you don't love another person at all, your character in this world holds the script of love: brother and friend respectful, father is kind and filial, husband and wife are harmonious.

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East of Eden quotes

  • Bank Teller: Nice fat deposit - you're sure in the right business, Sally.

    Sally: Thank you.

    [to Kate as she walks away]

    Sally: Well, good morning.

    Kate: [approaches the teller window] Deposit.

    Bank Teller: Another nice deposit. You and Sally are sure in the right business.

    Kate: I'm in a hurry please.

    [snatches her bank book from his hand and leaves as Cal stealthily follows her]

  • Aron Trask: Don't you ever touch her again. I don't trust you. You'e no good. You're mean and vicious and wild, and you always have been. You know it, too, don't you? Father and I have put up with every mean and vicious thing you could think of since you were a child., and we've always forgiven you. But now I don't want you to go near Abra. I don't want you to talk with her. Just stay away from her!