There is a beauty~

Idell 2022-08-04 13:01:37

Let's get to the point first. In this movie where the big names gather, there is a big beauty who is not very famous. Her name is Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she plays the waitress. Later, I ran to find her website, flipping through the photos one by one, but I still felt that in this movie, she gave me the most eye-catching feeling.

1968 was the richest year in the United States. The assassination of Bobby and Martin Luther King was a historic heartache. People miss such a spiritual leader so much. In the face of today's calendar politicians, everything is bleak, only disappointment and nostalgia. For the current presidential campaign, many people are enthusiastic about Obama, but also because of his youth, his vitality, and his spiritual hope. The United States needs too much blood.

But I don’t think this film is very dynamic about Kennedy’s portrayal, and even I don’t think it is sensational. To a certain extent, I think Kennedy’s death gives me a very remote feeling in this movie. Just like another story. Maybe the film is just to show the style of the 1960s, I don't know, the theme is not clear.

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Bobby quotes

  • John Casey: [opens the hotel door for Robert F. Kennedy and entourage] Hello, Senator Kennedy.

  • Virginia Fallon: People come to see me. People LOVE me! So if I want to have a fucking drink, then I am going to have a fucking drink

    [softly, in Tim's face]

    Virginia Fallon: ... because I deserve it!