Aliens and dogs are not allowed inside

Alexandria 2021-10-19 09:49:11

Fantasy is always a thousand miles ahead of reality. When the scientists and the animals were sweating the construction of Sputnik and Apollo, the wings of fantasy had already flown out of the earth for space roaming. Asimov's "Base" series shows us a vast and vast picture of the universe. At that time, human beings had spread to 2.5 million planets, with a population of 100 billion, forming a real cosmic empire. Led by Asimov, science fiction enters its heyday. I'm from a liberal arts background, and I can't get used to the hard science fiction based on physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and other natural sciences. What I like more is the soft science fiction that emphasizes philosophy, psychology, politics, and sociology.

And one subject that has been overwritten in almost all science fiction novels is: Is there life in outer space? This is a topic where the brains of scientists from all over the world are boiled and their mouths are torn apart. It is too natural science. As a literary and artistic gangster, I am more concerned about the visualization and exaggeration of outer space and alien creatures in the field of culture and art. I remember the first time I watched the vividness of alien creatures in "Sci-Fi World", my little mind was hit by the G spot in that moment. The world of science fiction, it's so fucking funny! After reading, an electric current rushed out from the cerebral cortex to the tailbone of the spine. I haven't had this kind of crooked feeling for a long time. Fortunately, a movie recommended by a friend-"The Ninth District" made me relive my old dream.

This movie is really reliable. Not only because of the realistic scenes and twists and turns, but more importantly: it reminds me of an art teacher in my kindergarten. When I was a kid, I once drew a picture. It was about me and an alien boy grinning silly hand in hand, and then the art teacher called me to the office with a stern voice: "How can you talk to an alien boy, Oh no, how about the little monsters holding hands? They are all bad guys and will destroy you! I won't listen to the teacher and call your parents to come! "I remember that I was out of the office that day, crying very sadly. I don't understand why the alien friends are bad guys.

Since then, I have paid special attention to science fiction novels and movies, especially those in outer space. I want to understand the world that I don’t know, and see if the art teacher’s words are correct. People are like this. If they don't understand, they are mysterious, attractive, and they do everything possible to understand. In the movie world, human beings’ ignorance of aliens will roughly lead to two attitudes. One is a positive attitude. Aliens are more looking forward to, and then love, the extreme of love may be worship. This category of films is represented by the "ET" and "Superman" series. The second is a negative attitude, which is more resistant to aliens, and then resents them. The extreme of resentment may be fear. This category of films is represented by "Predator" and "Alien".

In fact, negative attitudes can be further subdivided. One is that humans are in a weak and passive position and are caught by aliens, such as "Independence Day" and "Galaxy Fleet"; the other is that humans are in a strong and active position and are fisted by aliens. Those who kicked and kicked were typically taken by this "District Nine". In the movie, the alien spacecraft broke down and anchored on the earth, causing panic among mankind. After investigating and observing for a period of time, he found that the aliens had no great abilities, and he began to bully them. An alien slum was also specially established in South Africa to isolate aliens. The name is called the "Ninth District". The attitude of most humans is like this: I agree that humans and aliens are equal, but I don't want to see these alien hybrids living in my neighborhood!

What kind of scene is that? Whites, yellows, and even blacks all pretend to be aliens. In previous movies, when did the aliens get to such a degree? Human beings are arrogant, feel like being champions everywhere, and go to the "ninth district" to harass and demolish people from time to time. The director wanted to show kindness and let the audience see the problem from the perspective of aliens. The director is very clever, knowing that humans don't listen to persuasion, so he arranged for a demolition team leader to become an alien who was contaminated with alien reagents. Now that's good, with a schizophrenic character who is in a state of schizophrenia at all times, the audience's perspective can be successfully substituted. After watching the movie, we have become an alien beetle psychologically with the protagonist.

After watching the movie, I was very entangled. I have seen too many of my art teachers in movies, and I am very disappointed with them. In fact, we have never seen aliens, so why do we think they are evil? Probably because our own hearts are too dark. Not to mention aliens, human beings themselves have never been truly equal internally, whether in the West or the East, ancient or modern. From rumao drinking blood to frying and frying, from God Buddha to Einstein, from swords and swords to electronic warfare, from monarch power to the separation of powers, social progress is only a fur, and the most important human heart has not changed at all. Science and democracy, ideology and academics, can be regarded as a kind of illusion and obscenity of civilization in a certain nature.

Humans, this is a primate who did not walk upright a million years ago, there was no shame and fire 100,000 years ago, there was no writing 10,000 years ago, and primates who only learned to mate face-to-face five thousand years ago, face the wind and the sun. In the face of lightning and thunder, facing the blue sky and blue sea, facing dinosaur fossils and deep-sea giant sharks, and even facing cold viruses, please ask yourself: Are you amazing? What is so awesome about you? Indeed, time is passing, you are evolving, your brain capacity is getting bigger and bigger, you smelt bronze pig iron, you invented horse-drawn carriage and cattle farming, you invented Mohammed and Sakyamuni, etc., etc. It doesn't matter. The point is, apart from your own three-acre land, is there any place you can go to? So after eating, drinking, and doing nothing, I looked up at the sky and watched the stars twinkling and gleaming, and began to grumble: Tsk tsk, I don’t know the palace in the sky, what year is this eve?

In fact, we are all curious about the outer world, but unfortunately we can't climb up the light beam of the flashlight to take a look. Although the ancients were naive and thought that the sky was round and the earth was square, the ancients were better than modern people because they said: There is sky outside the sky. This is a sense of awe. Modern people are omniscient and fearless, but they are stupid everywhere. Human beings work hard, and human beings are very upward, but with the continuous progress of outer space exploration, human beings have also begun to be awkward: "My small step on the moon is a big step for mankind." It attracted countless eyes: who made you Represents, how about billions of people on earth, do you represent you?

A head of a big East Asian country on the earth said: "Clean up the house and then treat the guests." There is some truth in this. So, should we clean our hearts and welcome little alien friends? I don't want to come back to the earth happily one day in the future. If the people on the earth remain dead and do not know how to make progress, it is estimated that the aliens will not sing like this after returning: find, find, find friends, find a good friend, salute and shake hands, you are my good friend. He must have tears in his eyes and deep hatred: In that remote place, there is no good girl, she used her strong leather whip to beat me hard all day long.

As a result, the crop circles and UFOs will no longer be visible on the earth. Because the whole universe is spreading by word of mouth: you know? There are bad people everywhere on the earth, warning signs everywhere in public places, and the dazzling characters in the book-aliens and dogs are not allowed to enter.

【Tujia Thousand Characters Club Special Manuscript】

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District 9 quotes

  • Wikus Van De Merwe: Hello, little guy! It's the sweetie man coming!

  • Wikus Van De Merwe: [Wikus is obviously falling sick] Okay, let's cut some cake!

    [Wikus begins to hallucinate and experience distortion in hearing his own speech, slowing things down considerably]

    Wikus Van De Merwe: C-U-T S-O-M-E C-A-K-E!