
Clotilde 2022-01-07 15:52:46

James Dean's rebellious, evil and pitiful image is his most popular on-screen image. In this film, the love-less boy who yearns for his father's love and wants to be treated equally between his two brothers is trapped in jealousy. But he is also a beautiful boy who is extremely popular with girls, but he doesn't seem to gain much confidence and satisfaction from it, nor escape into nothingness because of the frustration of family relationships, and walk into the chaotic life of flowers and wine, hugs and hugs. He is trying to get the respect and love of his father. The core storyline of the film is that he found the biological mother who left the family, borrowed $5,000 to grow beans, and made the first pot of gold by raising prices during the war and gave it as a gift. The father whose business failed. The family relationship developed in it portrays the affection with the sister-in-law in addition to the father and the old bustard mother. The younger brother is the "injured" party most of the time in the film. The older brother and his sister-in-law walk together lovingly while the younger brother is always alone. Until he completed his goal, earned the first pot of gold, and the emotional development with his sister-in-law in the playground, the relationship between the two brothers had a qualitative change. The sister-in-law's hesitation towards her brother's feelings comes from her brother's desire and search for maternal love, which makes the sister-in-law doubt the purity and motivation of their love. But to put it bluntly, the sister-in-law fell in love with this rebellious and sensitive man who has an excellent relationship with a woman after increasing her understanding of her brother. The development of the story made the balance of the two brothers turn around. The younger brother saw his mother, earned the first pot of gold, and got the love of his sister-in-law. It seemed that he could sweep away the decline. However, his elder brother sacrificed his betrothal betrothal to his sister-in-law, and regained his father’s favor. In addition, his father’s sense of justice made him refuse to accept his younger brother’s "unrighteous wealth", and his father’s sense of justice and control are also his mother. The reason for leaving him. Finally, the younger brother let the older brother see his mother, the older brother collapsed and left, and the father fell ill, leaving only the younger brother and sister-in-law in front of the father's hospital bed. The contradiction and stability of the entire family relationship comes from the departed mother, and the departure of the mother is related to the character of the father. The image of a strong woman who does not want to stay at home all day is bound to be unbearable for a traditional man with a strong desire for control. . The lies of the "dead mother" in the father's mouth were to maintain stability, and the behavior of the younger brother to smash the lie came from the lack of paternal love and jealousy, or revenge, revenge for the elder brother for taking too much paternal love.

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East of Eden quotes

  • Bank Teller: Nice fat deposit - you're sure in the right business, Sally.

    Sally: Thank you.

    [to Kate as she walks away]

    Sally: Well, good morning.

    Kate: [approaches the teller window] Deposit.

    Bank Teller: Another nice deposit. You and Sally are sure in the right business.

    Kate: I'm in a hurry please.

    [snatches her bank book from his hand and leaves as Cal stealthily follows her]

  • Aron Trask: Don't you ever touch her again. I don't trust you. You'e no good. You're mean and vicious and wild, and you always have been. You know it, too, don't you? Father and I have put up with every mean and vicious thing you could think of since you were a child., and we've always forgiven you. But now I don't want you to go near Abra. I don't want you to talk with her. Just stay away from her!