"Insanity": suitable for watching during the epidemic, guaranteed to be more popular after watching

Freddie 2022-11-01 02:58:01

This film should be the most horrible movie I have ever seen during the epidemic. It is not an exaggeration to say that many people died within the first five minutes, and not only the deaths of fictional characters, but also real traffic accidents and highway violence live videos. It immediately scared all drivers into a cold sweat. Afterwards , the road killer starred by #罗素·克劳# became more and more perverted, and now his face still trembles when he thinks of him.

This film is too suitable to be screened in car theaters, and I fully support the decision to stick to it this weekend. Because its target audience is people who drive. Especially in California, where almost everyone drives a car, it is not uncommon to encounter Road Rage in the film. Several very intuitive shots of hitting people have also appeared in the film, and the impact is no less than that of horror films. In addition, the pace is fast, and it is enough to make people nervous, from the beginning to the end, it can be said that there is no opportunity to relax.

But soon, the film went from showing highway rage to a story of a perverted stalker, which is also the problem of the film. It did not delve into the reasons behind highway violence, but focused on shaping a very memorable villain. Highway violence is a very resonant thing. If we can further discuss it, for example, telling some more touching stories like the previous Oscar-winning "Crash" will be even more touching. But this film has similar attempts in the first half, but later it becomes a perverted killer how to vent violence, and there is no much explanation for his behavior. This wastes a good subject matter into a B-level film, which in the end only becomes a violent catharsis. Even sometimes you think that this violence is a bit too much? But the heroine and Russell Crowe are quite convincing.

I would also like to see this film to explore what makes people so much anger and pressure. For example, when we see the news every day, who is killed and who is hacked, we should not only pay attention to how the murderer handles it, but also pay attention to the reasons behind it. It is suitable for watching during the epidemic, and it is guaranteed to get angry after watching.

This film can still make people realize the severity of highway violence and think about how to avoid becoming victims of highway violence. For example, when I drive myself, I really need to listen to music to soothe my emotions. Traffic jams really test patience. Sometimes when I encounter unhappy things or a bad day, I really need music to calm and mediate my mood. And once you encounter someone provocative, the best way is not to do it like the heroine in this film, but to avoid dialogue with the other party, or even avoid any stare, pretending not to hear or see, this is really OK. Avoiding unnecessary trouble is a survival skill that must be mastered in places like California where you must drive.

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Unhinged quotes

  • The Man: [to Rachel] I'm sorry... but I don't think you know what a really bad day is! But you'll fucking learn.

  • Kyle: [to Rachel] Did you remember my Butterfinger Blizzard?