It's another final piece of work.

Abby 2022-11-16 05:51:40

I shouldn't click on the gadgets recommended on the homepage of Netflix. After watching this three-hour super-long "movie", my mind is full of What the hell? ? ?

The first two episodes are old wines in new bottles. Although the story is old-fashioned, the interesting narrative techniques have greatly increased the appeal of the story. Whether it is the interaction between the past and the present in the first episode or the interlacing of reality and fantasy in the second episode, it is just right. This ground arouses the audience's desire to "keep watching." It is a pity that from the second half of the second episode, the plot has taken a turn for the worse, and the third episode has gone straight to death. Lucy's "view of death" is too naive, and a five-hundred-year-old monster actually thinks she makes sense. Such a plot can only make me feel offended. Although there is no lack of English spit and sense of humor in the lines, it is impossible to cover up the weak plot. In addition, there are too many "foreshadowing" or seemingly "foreshadowing" in the play. In fact, the blanks are not filled. Especially after Jack's deep glance with Fan Haixin before leaving, I thought it was about to start a big reversal. As a result, Sister Fan Haixin showed a wave of walking into science behind a handsome figure, "All your weaknesses are nothing but the shadows in your heart."

Wie wird man seinen Schatten los? Richtig?

I also cannot agree with the director's aesthetic. The main actors are all very good-looking. Only the image and temperament of this Count Dracula are completely different from those in mainstream works. With the mentally handicapped "discussion" and plot, this kind of attempt to make the character look crazy except to make the character look crazy. Meaning. In addition, as a thriller, what brought me discomfort was not the "scary" itself, but the sky full of flies and bloody special effects that were not very realistic. There was no fluctuation in my heart, and I even ate spicy wings while watching it. .

Rating: 3/5 Miss Fan Haixin’s rustling and improving her English skills are all the driving forces that support me. Extremely not recommended, not as good as the Demon Hunter.

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