Let me give it a hand, I'm here to smash the magic glass

Marjolaine 2022-08-19 11:22:22

I know ten true fans of Moffat, eight of whom are also his black fans, Moffat Who?

[This comment contains a lot of magic special "black", pay attention to lightning protection, too lazy to fight, I am still his true love fan]

His work has never been solved by "don't look at it if you don't like it".

Don't you like to watch it?

No, love to watch, even fascinated by his ideas. I can feel his ultimate happiness in the creative process. Enjoying the creation itself is touching. It is a very romantic thing to let himself go on the way of personal style, but he always let go and can’t take it back. Unable to end. His works always remind me of the old people’s teaching: "Weaving baskets and baskets are all closing the mouth." If you can’t close this mouth, the whole basket will fall apart. Just as many viewers say that the last episode of "Dracula" makes the first two The episodes are all for nothing.

I asked, after watching how wonderful the first episode of "Mysterious Castle" and the second episode of "No Life at Sea" are, would you have the heart to abandon the show and not watch the last episode? But when you watched the last episode, witnessed the heroine's brain-dead operation, and finally gave the invincible warlord vampire a few words of poisonous chicken soup (I finally know what it is called "poisonous chicken soup"), he committed suicide, and Dr. Fan Haixin killed himself. Lost her aunt's last half-life wish, don't you want to smash the magic glass? My dissatisfaction with this ending is already in the ranks of him in "Doctor Who" asking Dr. Three to press the big red button to reverse the ending of the time war, making Jiu Shu's anger and Xiao Shi's sorrow not worthwhile; Clara jumped into the doctor's timeline before "I was born to save the doctor"; but still ranked in the third season of "Sherlock" and gave countless speculations about Moriarty's death. If he didn't give the real answer, he borrowed the words of the protagonist. Tucao: "You won't believe what I say anyway." I'm sorry that the way this ending is handled is not worthy of the detective's reasoning story, unless you admit that the third season is written as an extra and an easter egg.

After watching more than one piece of Magic Special, you will find that he has serious problems with frying old stalks and repetitive character settings, but it is no longer a problem here. After all, his stalks are "useful" at the level of attracting audiences, and many characters are enough. charming.

After complaining so much about him, I still expect him to write the drama version of "The Time Traveler's Wife". Although I can basically think of what his version looks like, he is very good at "playing with time" and hopes that he will use his ability to shape the love of the couple in the pond. Take it out and go beyond River&11's time traveler conception, it will be a very healing love story.

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