Believe me, horror movies can really cure

Lyla 2022-12-02 11:31:49

I've been so busy lately that I can't compile a homework and turn it in. Yes, do you think you don't need to hand in homework after graduation. I have homework all my life, and I need to think about breaking my head all my life. I finally handed in one under pressure, and then I was anxious and waited for the next one not far away.

Just stop and write a movie, and the previous paragraph will be the opening remark.

"Got you"

Is this topic great? Read it after me, is there a feeling of relief? I really need this feeling now.

Will go to see this movie, it is completely directed at its "horror movie" category. Really, don't resist horror movies, because when you watch the ghosts in the movies ravaging others and you are completely out of the way, you will have another sense of healing.

It's like, if someone else wants an exam, you don't need it; someone else has a bunch of homework to hand in, but you don't need it.

The first half of this movie is excellent.

I overlooked the lens of an American town: lush trees, colorful houses, gurgling rivers, and sunny. The small square was full of people, and the children lined up in front of the ice cream truck, and the years were quiet.

A little boy rode a bicycle from the square to the small woods. The warm sunlight was shining through the cracks of the trees, and the small wheels on the soft soil covered with fallen leaves were spinning around.

Suddenly, the wheels didn't know what powerful force was blocking, the car stopped abruptly, and the boy in the car soared back into the air. It was like, an invisible hand grabbed him.

The boy was missing and the town was panicked.

Next, the looking down camera came to a house.

Everyone knows the kind of big house in the United States: a two- or three-story bungalow, with a basement, a small attic, and a small lawn outside.

For a family of three, the space is really too big, and it's easy to get something weird.

And the relationship between the three people is not good:

My mother is a psychiatrist and has an affair, but she seems to be repenting.

Dad is a brave investigator. He learns of his partner's extramarital affairs and is angry about it.

The son is a rebellious teenager. Somehow he knew his mother's mistakes and his father's grievances, so he was very angry with his mother.

There is a knot between the three people, and the house is even more empty.

The empty shots everywhere in the house, coupled with the kind of oppressive music, have an inexplicable weird and suffocating feeling. It's like, as if I am in my current state, I want to hand in my homework but can't write it. It's as if the sky is rolling in dark clouds, and the rain is coming, but you will get out of the door immediately.

Something bad is about to happen, and this moment is the silence before the explosion.

The TV in the living room was suddenly turned on to broadcast the report of the boy's disappearance. Maybe the TV is broken.

The family photo on the stairs is somehow missing. Maybe it was taken down by one of the three.

The hostess's cup was missing and was found on the back of the house with burnt cigarettes in it. Maybe the son learned to smoke.

The knife and fork in the kitchen are missing. Maybe it was stolen by a worker who came to repair the windows at home.

The worker said that he met a very kind girl at home. Maybe he is lying.

The host was pushed into the closet and locked up. Maybe the rebellious son did it.

After the host falls asleep at night, the quilt will slowly move downward. Maybe he was dreaming.

The man who had an affair with the hostess came to the door, but was hit on the head by the cup thrown from above. The angry son must have done it.


Obviously they are the closest relatives who live together, but they don't communicate with each other.

The original English name of the movie is "I see you", and "see" means "see" and "understand", but they can't see or understand each other. The first half of the movie is well set. Misunderstandings and complaints between people can create terror.

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However, next, the film began to break down on its own. Obviously, the director did not want to take the psychological horror route.

All the previous doubts were deliberately caused by someone.

Similar sections of "Parasite" and "Empty Room" are staged. A young girl who has been living an adventurous life. She will live quietly in other people's homes, coexisting with her master.

This time, she also brought a young boy she had met by chance.

They live in the attic of the house. During the day, after the whole family goes out, they live in the house as comfortably as their own home. At night, when the owner returns, they hide.

Originally, it is considered not to interfere with each other.

But the young boy seemed to like adventurous challenges, he walked around the house. He put on the headgear of a horror doll, like a living ghost.

At this time, the sense of horror in the movie seems to be changing from "ghost direction" to "abnormal direction".

Don't forget the little boy who was missing at the beginning. The police found a thin wire in the grove. It was the wire that caused the bicycle to stop suddenly, so the person above would fly.

The police found a green knife and linked the disappearance with the kidnapping and homicide all the time. But the previous serial killer has already been in prison to serve his sentence. Is it a crime of imitation?

For this reason, they also deliberately visited the teenager who had escaped from the murderer more than ten years ago.

The behavior of the boarding boy in the house is getting more and more outrageous:

It was him who took away the cup of the hostess and used it as an ashtray;

It was him who pushed the male host into the closet and locked it;

It was him who pulled off the quilt of the male host and even peeed on him;

It was him who accidentally threw the cup downstairs and injured the mistress's lover;

It was him who tied up their son, behaving like a serial murderer;

It was him who pushed the girl to dissuade her and fainted her.

The mistress of the hostess was attacked from behind and died while recuperating in the basement. Did he kill it too?

It is true that people are more terrifying than ghosts, but a good horror movie should not just be prevaricated by "abnormal".

Fortunately, there is a final reversal.

This is not a perverted boy, he does everything for a reason.

In fact, he was one of the boys who had escaped from the murderer more than ten years ago. When he was patrolling the house, he accidentally saw the face of the male host. Awesomely recognized that he is the once vicious murderer!

Both "Small Detective" and "Cuckold Husband" are his outer skins, peeling away the outer skins, revealing the sinisterness inside.

He arranged for the dead ghost in the prison. He tied the boys exclusively, locked them up, and slowly killed them.

It's not that it's not reported, the time has not arrived.

This is still a "perverted" horror film, but with an extra layer of "unexpected" and another layer of "revenge success".

"Find, found, you,", follow me to read the topic again, don't you feel better?

It's cool, continue to compile homework and turn in!

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I See You quotes

  • Alec: But isn't that part of the fun, almost getting caught?

  • Alec: I'm not finished playing yet.