Silent images and unpalatable dishes

Desiree 2022-01-07 15:52:55

The opening shot from the river to the bank is spectacular. London is a really charming place. This is also Hitchcock's departure from himself. In his later years, he filmed this film like Ford's "Scotland Yard". The front person had a friendly conversation, and the back together with the box crushed and smashed grapes. In 15 minutes, Miss Bahrain’s speaking habits: first quickly said "economic considerations are necessary." [The back of the photo is here] Pause. Slowly say: "But our greatest pleasure is to make two lonely people happy." [Close-up shot here] The rape part was taken really well, the expressions and movements of the characters. Rubbing it on the clothes and eating a green apple is like a prelude. Go upstairs, don't shoot upstairs, icebergs, people walking downstairs, shouting, my favorite tactic, let the bullet fly for a while. The appearance of comrades-in-arms before made me feel a bit coincidental, but sometimes if you don't boldly use unexpected elements, the plot is easy to get stuck there. Icebergs began to appear on a large scale. The interesting thing is that this is two years later than "Reconstruction". This kind of lens is good. It can't be said that it is better to be sporty or fixed, but it must be the best in the last scene of "Reconstruction." This kind of fable is really good. Two people talked about potatoes in the bar and transported potatoes. Later, the body appeared in the potato bag on the potato transporter.

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Frenzy quotes

  • Robert Rusk: I thought matrimonial agencies were supposed to bring people together?

    Brenda Blaney: Not people like you. Somehow I don't think our clients would appreciate your conception of a loving relationship.

  • Robert Rusk: l like you. You're - my - type of woman.

    Brenda Blaney: Don't be ridiculous.

    Robert Rusk: l'm serious. I respect a woman like you and I know how to treat you as well. You know, in my trade we have a saying. We put it on the fruit. "Don't squeeze the goods 'til they're yours." Now, that's me. I would *never* do that. You know that, don't you?

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