Join in the fun of "Absolute Rule"

Keyshawn 2022-08-05 22:51:18

Don’t join in the fun during the holiday, just like usual watching, enjoying, reading and graffiti, but some films are purely scan films, I don’t want to write a word, even those classics that I watched again, let alone Hollywood movies, I don’t want to write. It's not just because others have written it, but I really don't want to write, and I can't find the urge to write. I'm generally used to writing some unseen films, invisible films, and a small recommendation, so that everyone can understand.

But this is an exception. Daniel Radcliffe starred as FBI agent Thomas in Daniel Legsis’s debut novel "Absolute Domination" (2016), went deep into the neo-Nazi organization as an undercover agent, alias Knight, served in Iraq for three years , Opened a chemical sales company. The Nazi organization known as the Aryan Alliance plots pure white absolute rule in the United States, with the goal of completely eradicating people of color, preparing to carry out dirty bomb attacks and armed riots on the waters of Washington, and then create chaos.

This film is based on real events and is based on the real experience of FBI agent Michael German. In the film, when Thomas’ boss, Angela, asked him to be an undercover agent, he immediately refused, but she uncovered his old friend, raised by a single mother, introverted, and bullied since childhood, but has a high IQ and likes to challenge herself. This shows that he is a suitable candidate. If you are not careful, undercover is a job that will kill you at any time. Knight went through many adventures and was always suspected.

In the face of various fanatical neo-Nazis such as Vince, Andrew, and Frank, it would be conceptualized to say that wit and courage would be conceptualized, but they did rack their brains. The male supervisor of the FBI always treats him like a child, without his complete trust, and always stabs him. Fortunately, the female boss, Angela, will promptly give countermeasures so that he can save him from danger.

The process of the film is of course scary enough, but not new. There is nothing new under the sun. It is just that this kind of cracking in the game is not easy. Needless to say, the opponents are all kinds of people. For example, Frank is an engineer who understands technology. I want to deceive each other, just wishful thinking.

Under Knight's guidance, just as Frank and his gang were preparing to carry out a biochemical dirty bomb attack, fortunately, the police finally broke the attack in time, and Frank was arrested as soon as he did it. But the film left a huge suspense, that is, the Aryan Alliance, headed by the larger potential rival Andrew, has not been hit hard, but taken lightly. Perhaps this racial organization headed by Andrew is purely fictional, or a gimmick for the film to gain audiences.

The "Klan Klan" in the 1970s was at its peak, and it was finally wiped out in the 1980s. Like the Aryan Alliance in the film, this is a new signal. Of course, I don’t think American racists. , It's really as serious as rendered in the movie, although the movie claims to be adapted from real events. In the film, Angela has a meaningful saying, "The formation of fascism requires only one thing to be a victim." The so-called "victim" is nothing more than willing to be the cannon fodder of fascism.

American movies have a tradition of daring to expose their shortcomings and straightforwardly report the dangers of American racism. This is a film worthy of elaboration. For a country with a complex ethnic composition like the United States, there are not only common black-and-white discrimination, but also real racial terrorist acts such as movies. In other words, the United States must always guard against terrorist attacks from outside, and at the same time be mindful of domestic racism taking advantage of the opportunity to make waves, and it must also guard against lone wolf-style undefeatable and nonsensical attacks.

In this way, in a country where the public legally owns guns, this is indeed an unsolvable problem that has been rigged up. Of course, looking at the world, not only the United States, but no country can completely avoid various forms of terrorist acts. Only by cooperating and concerted action can the occurrence of various terrorist incidents be avoided or reduced.

I have always thought that the development of human civilization to this day has always been accompanied by four types of conflicts. No matter how future conflicts evolve, these four types are generally inseparable.

One is the conflict between ideologies, that is, countries have different political systems and values. Under long-term confrontations, the contradictions cannot be resolved, and armed conflicts eventually occur. This is a good understanding, so I don't need to talk about it. The Korean War and the Vietnam War seemed to be triggered by the civil war, and its evolution and results are the intensity of this conflict between ideologies.

The second is the conflict between national interests, which involves the contest of national territorial sovereignty and other interests. Every inch of land must be contested or not, forming a fierce confrontation, and finally war erupts. Of course, there are also problems left over from history, hidden dangers left by foreign intervention, and division and rule formed by civil wars and ideological wars. The division of the Korean Peninsula and the Taiwan issue of China are both comprehensive manifestations of such historical issues. The fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany are a peaceful remedy for solving this problem. The historical causes of the Kashmir dispute between India and Pakistan are more complicated.

It is worth thinking about that the conflicts between ideologies and national interests are often intertwined, forming two irreconcilable tipping points. Often ideological conflicts are greater than conflicts between national interests, or conflicts between national interests. Give way to ideological conflicts. For example, Vietnam invaded and occupied China’s 29 most islands in the South China Sea and exploited oil wildly. Imagine that if it were Japan or the Philippines, China would have been doing it a long time ago. It is because they are both in the socialist camp and the so-called "comrades and brothers." On the other hand, the situation in North Korea, the troublemaker, is generally the same.

The third type of conflict seems more complicated, but it is actually easy to identify. It is the national conflict between religious sects or the sect conflict within the country. Of course, it is also mixed with national interest disputes, such as the Shia and Sunni countries. The conflict between the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, and the conflict between the Yemeni Houthis supported by Iran and the Israeli-Saudi Arabian coalition forces are essentially Shiite and Sunni conflicts. The conflict between the party-supported Syrian Assad government and the Western-backed opposition also implies such a situation. It is only because of Russia’s deep intervention that the situation has become more and more complicated, and the prospects are also worrying. How many years did it end up?

The conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza can also be said to be a conflict caused by different beliefs. The current conflict of interests is more prominent. The four Middle East wars triggered by early Israel and the Arab League are under the conflict of beliefs. The tipping point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The manifestations of sectarian conflicts within the country have become more diversified, such as the conflicts between the Shiites and Sunni in Iraq, and the conflicts between the Turkish internal government forces and the PKK.

The conflict in the third situation is often more difficult to quell than the conflict between ideology and pure national interest. It is in a state of long-term disputes. Even if it seems calm, there will be scum and the aftermath will not last long. This is a "cerebral obstruction" of deep belief. There is no coordination at all. You can only resign yourself to fate or encounter a wise leader to suppress your breath.

The fourth situation is the war on terrorism. Terrorism that originated in the Middle East is essentially extremism under the pretext of religion. The naked terrorist acts have nothing to do with the theme of religion. This is truly a war between modern civilization and ignorant extremists. They have committed more crimes against the same faith. For example, in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria and other countries, the series of terrorist attacks they have committed can be clear at a glance. I believe that, both in reality and in the long run, the threat of terrorist extremist forces to the entire human race is far greater than all disputes, and we must face it squarely.

Therefore, anti-terrorism is a war that does not distinguish between countries, religions, and regions. Countries should abandon the prejudices of ideology and national interests, and actively join forces to deal with this terrorist act that is the most harmful to mankind in the world so far, and completely eliminate it. Continuation of modern civilization that is more in line with the secularization of human nature. Faced with the fourth situation of the war on terrorism, the countries are not coordinating well, watching the excitement and even making a lot of noises. In fact, sufficient attention should be paid to it clearly. This is also a long-term struggle. Only by working together can terrorist attacks be minimized and they have no place to survive.

2016, October, 10

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Imperium quotes

  • Angela Zamparo: Because when it comes down to it, there really is only one essential ingredient to fascism.

    Nate Foster: It's victimhood.

  • [first lines]

    Usman: You have the phone?

    [they plug it in, the device lights up]