Kill and Love (drama review, Dracula)

Eldora 2022-12-05 04:17:57

British drama "Dracula"

Type of work: plot

Main actors: Claes Bang, Dolly Wells

Story summary: Dracula and Van Helsing kill and fall in love

Release time: Released in the UK on January 1, 2020, 3 episodes, finished

The new drama of the year has a lot of fans and good reviews. However, after a closer look, I feel a little bit "exaggerated."

Write in front. A list of attraction points of the works.

1. The characters are eye-catching --- "If you meet an opponent, you will meet a talented person."

a, Count Dracula, a famous vampire image, many related movies and books, super popular villain.

b, Van Helsing, the vampire hunter, Dracula's ultimate opponent, is the so-called "hero cherish the hero".

2. The picture is eye-catching---"the world of light and shadow, the beauty of the flourishing age"

a, the protagonist Dracula, wild charm, forgets the "baby-toothed boys" who are neither male nor female, and worships the "fauvism male" who blows strong hormones.

b. The background, scenes, costumes, decorations, overall picture, radiant and colorful, it is easy to remind the audience of the konami classic game "Devil City" series, dark corridor, ruin portrait, zombie bride, cross of light, silver thorn sword , The shipwreck with blood stains, the gloom of the is really "dazzling".

3. The story is eye-catching---"Ultimate opponent, kill and love each other"

Dracula vs Van Helsing, old opponents, but if the old-fashioned plot of one man to one man is adopted, how much spark will it produce? How much passion can be ignited? Is it enough to attract discerning audiences? This has to be a question mark, so the screenwriter and director have to find a different way, come with a male and female match, work is not tired, the thriller is mixed with the "love" element, once again let everyone in front of the screen shine.

Enter the drama review. A total of three episodes, the first two episodes are dazzling enough, and the last one is vulgar enough.

Episode One---The Rules of the Beast

Key figures:

Lawyer Jonathan, vampire Dracula, nun Agatha (Van Helsing), Jonathan's fiancee Mina

Key plot:

1. Jonatha’s experience before becoming a vampire, how did he meet Dracula, become its prey, be killed, become a vampire, escape...

2. Dracula confronts the nun Agatha, the collision of wild and rational

Key points:

1. Picture charm---tone + artistic conception

2. The plot is confusing---the entanglement between D and J (absorb)/the separation between D and A (obsession)

Overall impression:

The starting point is a bit high, so drive high.

Episode Two---Blood Vessel

Key figures:

Vampire Dracula, nun Agatha (Van Helsing), people on board (cannon fodder)

Key plot:

1. Dracula boarded the boat and hunted down lower creatures (humans)

2. The nun Agatha appeared, and everyone resisted Dracula

3. Dracula sinks into the sea

Key points:

1. Dracula continues to launch the "hormonal" offensive, taking all ages and sharing it with men and women.

2. The relationship between D and A is becoming more complicated and confusing, it seems to be "love" and "hate".

Overall impression:

1. Compared with the previous episode, the picture quality has not changed much, it is still gorgeous and beautiful, but the content of the story has been flattened a lot, and the suspense and horror continue to fade.

2. There are too many characters playing soy sauce, which dilutes the main storyline. It is imperative to drive high and low.

Episode Three---The Dark Compass

Key figures:

Vampire Dracula, nun Agatha (Van Helsing), Doctor Zoe Helsing (Agatha offspring)

Key plot:

1. After a lapse of 123 years, the vampire Dracula walked out of the underwater world and embraced 2020.

2. Z collects D's blood sample, looking for the lost yesterday (a hundred years of history).

3. D and Z/A calmly face their respective futures, kill each other, love each other, embrace and kiss each other, and finally merge into one, and the whole drama ends.

Overall impression:

1. The introduction of other characters (such as a pair of lovers) is redundant and bloated. Not only does it not help the protagonist's image to be established/firmed, but it dilutes the plot. The concept of this episode is very different from the previous two episodes, except for the highlight of the ending of "love", it is all "scum".

2. The only thing that hasn't changed is the "light and shadow effect."

Write at the end. The failure of the work.

First of all, the screenwriter's brain circuit eventually went wrong, turning the work into a "vampire" version of "Sherlock."

Secondly, the character design, especially the line layout, is too "moderate". In the three episodes, just those words, let's talk and talk, are you tired? !

In the end, the "gradual" decline, one episode is worse than the other, is speechless.

The final review.

Screenwriter ★☆☆☆☆ (a well-packaged "romance")

Director ★★★☆☆ (Three directors, one person for one episode, resulting in plot cohesion, story matching, style integration, and flaws)

Actor ★★★★☆ (The protagonist is brilliant, the other characters are really mediocre)

Plot ★☆☆☆☆ (discrete, apply Coppola92 version of "Dracula" kernel)

Visual effects★★★★★ (exquisite, sophisticated)

Sound effects★★★★★ (Thriller, magical traits)

Recommendation ★★★☆☆ (Just look at the screen, not the content, that’s enough)

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