Headline phobias don’t know how to make a proposition, so pick up Sister Van Helsing and have a kiss.

Yolanda 2022-10-12 07:33:09

I love this version of Jonathan, even if he is tortured like that, his soul is selfless and heroic. Compared with other versions, although his appearance has been reduced to the lowest value, his personality charm has already been overwhelming. ! To be reasonable, the first reaction to this person unexpectedly being in danger is not to run for his life but to save people, or to someone who has never known each other and behaves suspiciously. He still persists in trying to save people when he can't get up quickly, and he is completely unaware of it. Own Sue Point.

And Van Helsing was even more well-deserved as the best in the audience. Like Jonathan, I really eat the contrast between physical exhaustion and fresh soul. Compared with Dracula’s so-called "aristocratic" charm, It’s worth mentioning, and as a person who has chased various Dracula and vampire stories, I saw someone write the representative of the so-called "nobleman" out of the nature and unbearable nature of the beast (especially the two opposite qualities are played To the fullest), quite exciting. The part where Sister Van Helsing played Dracula with her own blood is a big plus point. It is simply not too good to use this kind of psychological tactics to deal with Dracula's psychological attacks.

As for Mina, it seems that this kind of role will be criticized as silly and sweet these days. Everyone likes to watch the determined and domineering characters pass five levels and cut six generals. In fact, not everyone has a sincere heart, and there is nothing to do in the face of difficulties. , Being overwhelmed is not a reason to be severely reprimanded (at least Mina didn't cause any major trouble). There are a lot of people like Lucy who "not the same thing at the critical moment". In this kind of thriller, I guess... it's just a character who is not kind enough, not smart enough, not brave enough, and completely dragged down.

I want to give full marks to both the first and second episodes. In the third episode, although Dracula was convinced to be quite WTF in the end, in addition to this, I still like the part that pays tribute to Poe and the poetic part. . And, if Dracula was really killed by force...maybe I might be even more disappointed? But it was disappointment to follow the routine. Now this ending, just hahaha, don’t take it as reality. (How can an old man who has been stubborn for five hundred years change his mind so easily? People are all inertia and inertia creatures that go downhill), Well, as long as you don't treat it as a reality, as a completely poetic discussion, or it seems... OK? (No, let's ignore it, and let the time stop until "Dracula is standing in the sun with the cross-shaped shadow of the window frame passing over his face" .)

In the third episode, I saw that the role played by Mike, who corresponds to Dracula’s servant, became a lawyer. The first reaction was "Tsk, we hacked our lawyer again." Later, it turned out that the cute little Joe is also a lawyer. He instantly became mentally balanced.

Having said that, since the first episode of this drama, there has been a lot of poetry under the thrilling theme:

For example, prayers in the monastery, "I bring disaster here, listening to the pain is my punishment", "The body is on the sickbed, the soul still stands", "Unlocked prison", "Walking on the dead but rejecting Death is not seen in the sky but obsessed with the sun.” Although the idea of ​​absorbing fear from the blood is a lie, if it is true, it is actually quite touching.

So even if the style of the last episode is completely reversed, there is actually a foreshadowing (but it's really easy to lose the audience in this way). And as an Allen Poe fan, I finally found it to pay tribute to Poe, and the rhythm is also in Poe’s style. Don’t be too happy. Looking back at the close-up of such a huge fly, I feel cute. 233

emmmm So does this show have the CP of Van Helsing and Dracula as well as the CP of Dracula and Jonathan. . . (Okay, you are a rotten country, you are great

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