The "cat-and-mouse game" of old wine in new bottles turned into an approach to science in the end

Cole 2022-11-26 00:55:27

To put it simply, this team continues to exert its expertise in "new bottles of old wine" by reshaping the character of the characters, injecting new vitality into this clichéd story.

Dracula and Van Helsing did not compete with each other from the beginning. Instead, a somewhat "rebellious" nun, Van Helsing, interviewed the victim, and the two explored each other from the experience of a victim.

The three episodes of the miniseries are divided into three main stories about time and space. The main creator has done a good job of the three different characteristics of time and space. From medieval castles ➡ cross-sea sailing ➡ modern towns, characters in different time and space have different attitudes towards Dracula. , Even in modern times, Dracula has become the envy and pursuit of everyone, quite a bit of the magical joy of "Hitler Return" made by the Germans in 2015.

But why does word-of-mouth decline rapidly in just two days? The problem happened to be the third episode of telling modern stories. To be more accurate, it was that Dracula was rescued by a lawyer from the third episode. After the little black girl took the initiative to dedicate her life, the story of this unit completely ruined the entire episode.

The first half hour of the third episode was surprising, including "Dracula can finally see the sun on TV", "Dracula hiding in the house was instantly exposed by a forklift" and long ago in online novels. I wrote "Cancer patients’ blood will ruin vampires" and so on. After nearly four hours of preparation, the audience expects that after watching a few generations, Van Helsing may be better able to face anyone who can download any information at any time. Dracula, (I personally secretly look forward to Dracula’s deflated drama), but the key problem is that half an hour later, the story of the little black girl deviates too far from the main line of the drama, and the process of the girl’s own demise Van Helsing has completely become a bystander, even this generation of Hulk. The three threads are only talking about their entanglement with Dracula, and the echoes of the past and the present, but they are not completely intertwined, but After the girl learned the truth of despair, the boy killed herself.

The final duel between Van Helsing and Dracula only gave me a strange sense of absurdity. After a brief surprise, I felt more regretful. It is a pity that the creator gave so many initial settings and built a pair. The novel antagonism, conceived a rather peculiar ending, but was lazy in the last chapter, and all previous efforts were abandoned. Or to use what my teacher once said, this is not the end at all, the story is not finished at all.

To sum up, the production level of "Dracula" has nothing to say, but the story that was originally worth four stars or even four and a half stars collapsed in the last hour, and even a little too much, it is a piece of Dracula and Van Helsing. The wonderful cat-and-mouse game made into a four-and-a-half-hour "Approach to Science". Personal overall rating is 6 points, one of which goes to the tall and handsome Krath Bon.

Finally, since it's said that, I strongly recommend everyone who has not enough meaning to go to see "Hitler's Return" made by Germans in 2015. If you change your mood, you will definitely not be disappointed.

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