It’s a good thing that the original is not long.

Adalberto 2022-08-07 19:21:00

Congratulations, there is no second season for this work. Congratulations to the magic feature for the two female characters. Congratulations to the teacher for acting the character I want to play the most, and this character, the tragic clown, survived to the end in a daze. I didn't discuss the acting skills for the teacher.

When I met the reminder teacher at King’s University College on November 5th, he asked him to sign. In fact, I am embarrassed because I have never done such a thing before. I turned the book to the page where Renfield was eating flies, and begged him to sign it in the blank space. He was not very happy, so I changed my words to the title page. He asked me why, I said but you are going to play Renfield. He said how do you know. I say sorry I know too much, will I be silenced. He said no.

Talk about business.

There were too many suspended animations in Shenxia, ​​and then in the first episode of Kura, Harker died completely. I was very happy.

The big plot hole is why Van Helsing looks like his ancestors after so many generations.

The setting for terminally ill patients appeared too late. Why is Chekhov’s gun not shown in the first episode?

As far as the third episode is concerned, the picture looks messy. People who should be good-looking are good-looking, and the special effects that should be horrible are scary, but the composition is very messy. Only when Zoe and the earl were facing each other in the secret room, the camera saw from the outside that Zoe's side face was divided by the vertical fence, and the earl was in the dark place next to him, smiling on the inside of the floor-to-ceiling glass. For a moment, it seemed that Zoe was imprisoned by a limited life.

The disadvantage of the contemporary youth version of Lucy and Jack is that the latter’s modeling is a bit flat. The advantage is that Lucy’s reaction to the earl is a bit like "Interview with the Vampire", which is actually related to the theme.

Lucy ignored death and even flirted with death, so he stretched out his neck to the earl willingly. The earl was greedy for life and fear of death, so he sucked Lucy's blood again and again.

The source of vampires has its own rhetoric. For example-cursed by parents. Be infected by a virus. Be possessed by a demon. It was simply sucked by an earlier vampire.

However, the earl has no backstory. No need for backstory. No matter how he became what he is now, it was not the grotesque Gothic castle that made him a monster, nor was it a black cloak or fangs or long nails or red eyes. It is an attitude of eagerness to cheat on death.

He can walk under the sun. The cross alone can't kill him, it just reminds him of the tombstones of soldiers who died in glorious battles. It's just a habit to not enter the door without being invited. Habits become legends. The legend becomes the story. He himself believed this story, so he forgot about the other options. "Unlocked prison". The hallmark of hell is not a sea of ​​swordsmanship, but "ignorance." A state of thinking that he has no choice.

This kind of almost existential horror can refer to Miss Beauvoir’s "People Are Dead".

In the end, there is no chase or close combat. It is a deduction for some people and a bonus for me. Monsters that can be defeated by violence alone are not monsters. Of course, it is not a monster that can make the rational person retreat. It should be like "The Sorrowful Biography", although it is actually a relationship that kills the other, even though the protagonist has no love at all, and even though the outcome of the other survivors is still unclear, it doesn't matter. If you don't kill her quickly, she will die on her own. So the Sphinx grasped the Mystery Man tightly and could not be separated for a long time.

The magic hint does not mention the relationship between death and love, so fortunately and unfortunately, this work does not have much seriousness, but it is not only entertaining. The earl, who reads the original novel, even disdains pretending to love any human beings. Such restrictions are justified. After all, the magical special + Victorian horror novel + the actual motivation of the protagonist is interpreted as lack of love, which is basically equivalent to the TV drama version of Jekyll.

"But Patricio Argones continued without a hint of joking, why should I shut up? You are killing me at best, and you are already killing me at this moment."-"The Patriarch" The Fall

The eternal endless time finally ends in the sun. Thanks for the magic tip. And look forward to the documentary made for the teacher.

Update: The documentary is good.

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