4400: Our dreams and fears

Agustina 2022-11-07 04:09:56

4400: Our Dreams and Fears
(1) 4400 is a good number.
Let alone what prime numbers it involves in mathematics. It is the greatest possibility it can offer to delight audience friends who love science fiction and directors and screenwriters who like to spend several seasons. One "4400" fell down, and 3399 "4400" stood up.
So if you are also following this play, you will find that the screenwriters often let the people in the play die without hesitation (of course, some of them will come back). This is slightly better than other sci-fi TVs. Of course, this also requires our little heart to be stronger.
Having said that, at first I wondered why it only had 5 episodes in its first season. Later, I learned that the producer only planned to produce a set of mini-series, so let's try the depth. Unexpectedly, the audience responded enthusiastically, and the premiere of "4400" won the highest evaluation and the highest ratings.
Thus, the long journey of the 4400s began.
(B) Lao Mei loves science fiction films. This can be seen from the audience's enthusiasm for the premiere of "4400". Not to mention the endless stream of science fiction films in the United States. "Superman", "Comet hits the earth", "Independence Day", "X-Men", "Spiderman", "Dareful", "Hero" and other movies and TV... If you watch too much, you will feel like they are like dragons. His nine sons are different in appearance, but the content is the same. Most of them are people with superpowers (mainly the old Americans) who play their potential to save the world.
You can say that the themes of these films show that Lao Mei is a hateful arrogant, and she always praises her heroism. But there is no way to avoid the fact that these films are all wrapped in humanity. Family affection, love, courage, and wisdom are their key words. At the same time, their production is exquisite and beautiful without exception. It is undeniable that these are the reasons for their popularity and the advantages of American science fiction films over similar products in other countries. The national science fiction film is an excellent contrast.
Apart from the old beauty show, is there any deeper reason for this strong comparison?
(3) Dreams and fears. The myths of various nations tell us that every nation in the world loves to dream and has its own dreams. The younger the nation, the closer their dreams are to fairy tales. For example, the American nation. The history of the Americans is relatively short. From the independence of the United States in 1776 to the present, it is only a little more than 200 years. Historically speaking, they are only in the childhood stage of human history. Therefore, Americans have no "worries for the future", look forward hopefully, and like "dreams" and "longings" to the future. But these dreams are always mixed with fear because they have not yet experienced them. Especially after "9.11", they have a sense of fear that is hard to get rid of. This kind of fear needs a channel to vent and unblock. Perhaps there is a reason for the popularity of science fiction films.
Looking back at China. Chinese people like to film costume plays and historical dramas, whether in the realm of life, or in the fields of politics, economy, and military. The more prosperous the era, the more shots were made, especially in the Han, Tang, and Qing Dynasties (the most prosperous period of Kangxi and Qianlong). Yes, the prosperity of the past is unforgettable. "Liquor enters the intestines, seven minutes into the moonlight, and the remaining three minutes into sword energy, and half a prosperous Tang when you embroider the mouth"-you see, the Tang Dynasty and Tang Dynasty in Yu Guangzhong's works are so proud, which Can it make people look back again and again. It is said that forgetting the past means betrayal, but the Chinese are too "obsessed" with history. Regardless of people or the country, this obsession is more like a decadent narcissism. You will only think about the past and never look to the future.
Sometimes dreams are not enough, more fear is also good.

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.