The theme is meaningful if you ignore the structural routines

Frank 2022-05-28 22:02:41

2021.4.30 update

After reading everyone's comments and what I wrote, I found that when I wrote the film review, it was indeed out of an eagerness to vomit that did not meet the expectations. The writing is also very general.

Maybe now let me watch this movie again, I have a different idea. So I changed the title (the original title was like reading a middle school student's composition). The following content will not be changed. After all, it is my subjective and true feelings when I watch a movie. Just take a look at it.

I watched the movie recommended by netizens. It is said to be a new work by the director of "Wrestling Daddy". I am looking forward to it.

Unexpectedly, the structure of the film, the plot of the story, and the acting skills of the actors all gave me a feeling of middle school students writing a essay knowing that it was broken and still biting the bullet and making it up. disappointment. As I watched my heart, the screen was full of barrages, and I couldn't help writing it down.


The opening rhythm is very slow, starting from the male lead’s good son who is under the pressure of the exam, interspersed with the memories of the child’s growth, and the hesitation of eye contact with the female lead, and a large number of fragments made me think that the theme is family warmth and so on. of. Unexpectedly, when the style of painting changed, the child jumped off the building and the feature film began. I’m going to tell you the subject. My son’s friend told the protagonist that his son jumped off because he thought his parents were so good, but he didn’t get admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology and was labelled as a “loser”. Let's start. The hero's inspiration flashed, and the "loser" label was the focus of the film.

In order to encourage his son, who has no will to survive, to regain consciousness and health, he took out his classmates to tell his son the story of the "Union of Losers" in college. During the period, the wife still grinds with him, similar to saying that you are crazy. Why do you want to talk about this, as if the male lead has done something damaging to the world, and later proved nothing.

Then began the obvious compositional structure of middle school students. Every time the male protagonist retrieves a friend of the year, tells a story to his son, and then the doctor says that it is time for you to go back and come back next time, and so on.

The story is like this, the male lead university was admitted to the Indian Institute of Technology, the best school in India, and was assigned to the worst dormitory H4. The dormitory said that the assignment would be abolished there. There are "losers" in it. Why do you know in the future? . As a result, the film later explained that the “loser” refers to the “big brother” of H3, who dug up the people who are good at sports in other buildings to H3, making the sports competition H4 lose every year, and the school people look down on it and ridicule it as a “loser”. ". (Please, this is how the loser tells the people who secretly filmed the tyrannical children to be embarrassed!) This is the main thread that strung up the whole film, it's too unsustainable. The hero was also very scared at first, and then found out that the other roommates just love to play, and the others are fine. And I met a few good brothers, nicknamed "Professional Porn", "Serious Man", "Mambo Man", "Deep Boss" and "Drunkard Man".

The host and his friends had a good time, and with the help of their partners, they talked about sweet love with the campus goddess hostess. However, H3's eldest brother wanted to go to H3 for his sports expertise. The male protagonist struggled, and then quarreled with the female protagonist. Finally, he refused H3's invitation. The male protagonist did not give his eldest brother a lot of face and succeeded in attracting his attention. He had to taunt H4 vigorously. This aroused the rebellion of the male protagonist and the "deep boss". It is bound to win this year's sports league and tear off the "failure".者" label. (How is this routine so familiar.)

Want to win, but the overall level is just not as good as others. The male protagonist started wave after wave of Sao operations, just two waves. The male protagonist just started to change this loose group, so that everyone swears not to do their favorite things on the day of winning. If you are a pornographic man, you can’t be a pornographic man, a mean man cannot be mean to others, a mom-boy cannot find a mother, a deep boss cannot smoke, and a drunkard man cannot drink. (Yes, the character image is such a labelled portrayal in my opinion.) Swearing did not make everyone progress, but the drunkard man could not drink until he was hospitalized. It was so distressing that everyone suddenly gave birth to "Not broken Loulan." The determination not to pay back.

The second wave of Sao operations came. In order to win the game, the male protagonist thought of a few "small tricks". Ask people to drink a drink to gather the number of cheerleaders, use harsh slogans to collectively booze, let the female lead use late night phone calls to consume the opponent's energy, won several games, excuse me? ? ? Let me add another sentence. We also have competitions that can be won with fairness-apart from winning by the strength of the male lead, the deep boss and the alcoholic man, it is to let a 44 kg male student work hard to lose 2 kg and a female student to lift weights! excuse me? ? ? ?

In the last 3 games, you must win to get the first place. H3 also reacted at this time. You and me and I will go back, make small moves to influence your performance, send alcohol to lure the alcoholic, step on the feet of the "deep boss". Operation is irritating. The story tells that at this critical moment, the son is about to be pushed into the operating room, eager to know whether the "League of Losers" has won the game, whether he has torn off the so-called label, and exults.

At this time, the film took 10 minutes to repeat the scenes of the three games, but at the critical moment, the male lead didn't make a shot and lost. When he and his little partner were about to go back, H3 big brother L called the audience to applaud the hero and their efforts. The quality is still acceptable. So the hero tells his son that it doesn't matter if he fails, the process of hard work is more important than the result, and a happy life is good. The result is that the son has a successful operation and goes to college, not as important as the gains and losses at the beginning of the movie. The educational significance of the film is to reflect on the Indian education system, modern psychology and pursuit of success.

To sum up, the themes of the film echo each other in many clips, but the storyline is slightly thin and can't support it. Can the winning or losing of a sports league determine whether a group of people are real losers. The structure of the film and the transition are blunt, especially the interspersed transition between the hospital and the school. The character image is not full. It seems that each friend has his own design and back story, but in fact it is not, only expressing his personality from the nickname label. The actor's acting skills are also very stereotyped. In one of the important scenes, the male lead and the female lead are finally willing to express their apologies and understanding. They cry and reconcile each other. The male lead crying is called soulless and the female lead responded very perfunctory. How does this resonate with me as an audience? I can only speculate whether the script cannot persuade the actors to act.

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