Waiting for the third season to come out

Elinore 2022-08-03 19:25:30

It’s only after watching the second episode that it’s getting better and better

than<> This American drama is much better. The

P drama has been a bit of a dead end since the 15th episode of the first season. The screenwriter also racked his brains to

let the second season broadcast, which is also in sharp contrast with

4400. 4400 After the second season, it will be highlighted. The power to play the screenwriter,

but in the third season, in order to allow the plot to develop, the intention is more obvious, and the

fourth season is expected to be released.

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Extended Reading

The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.