Letitia 2022-08-03 14:39:40

There are many interesting details in 4400, let me sort them out.
Many people say that 4400 is basically 4400 Superman or 4400 X-Men, but there is a key difference that makes 4400 absolutely different from superman, batman or spiderman. Although 4400 has super powers, it is still ordinary people, even if they are saving. Coming from the earth, they will still be killed by others who are afraid. They have to face jealousy, distrust and bureaucracy, so they are living people, not superhuman anarchists. I want to praise this.

Regarding the type of superpower, everyone who has watched Hollywood movies can guess it. What I want to mention is the superpower of the protagonist Tom’s wife Alana. Alana’s power is. . . . . Double YY Dafa (good BT, even want it), YY's fidelity is 100%, safe and environmentally friendly, it does not take up real time, YY before breakfast, take a global trip, and continue to eat breakfast after Y. No wonder Alana and her colleague YY went to Paris for a meal, and Uncle Tom pouted Lao Gao and said: Wife, you are my personal YY teacher. In fact, this ability is what I admire the most in 4400. With it, I drive F1 in the morning, play the Champions League in the afternoon, and fight with Bush at night. How moist these days are. . . . . . . . .
The young protagonist Shawn’s ability is a pair of hands that can both Cure and Kill. The screenwriter must be a fan of war chess games. Any protagonist can develop in two lines. Either turn to the healing angel or the assassination demon. There are too many bad guys in this play, and according to the principle that things are rare, Shawn wisely chose the Cure route.

The fifth episode of the third season of the plot was invincible. After watching it, I wanted to take a plane to smash the screenwriter’s glass. My heart was almost broken when Maia called my mother (I’m not exaggerating), I dare to be like an angel Loli-Maia is so sad that I am so angry. Fortunately, the screenwriter has corrected it and has become a good comrade again. . .

Then there is the show of beans by the screenwriter. Dr. XX injected himself with XX, and slowly changed his face, and he didn't look like a human being. . . What comes to mind, that's right Frankenstein! But what's in it is that this Frankenstein has shed his skin after being hunted for a long time, has become normal, and has super powers. This is not to say that Frankenstein is just a transitional career for Superman. In other words, if we don't kill Frankenstein, it will become superman, and Superman, Spider-Man first-class, before being so handsome, must hide under the bed and peeling, no wonder the superman return in the superman return, the superman's skin is smooth and tender. . .
What's more beautiful is the causality. For example, A in 90 years brings B in 80 years to the future, giving B superpowers, and then sending B back to 80 years, so that B gives super powers in 80 years. The young A who has no superpowers, so both of them didn't have superpowers, but now they both have superpowers, hooray! What did you say? Conservation of quality? Go to the death of the conservation of quality. You see any sci-fi writer who respects the conservation of quality. Thanks to my high school, I read a book of "Scientific Thoughts on Relativity and Quantum Mechanics" several times. . . . Lao Niu, the old love fell in my heart like this

and then I became bored. I started talking about the future on the 4400 forum. The screenwriters became more shameless. They were longer than 24. Before I was 30, I could Are you finished? God bless me!
I decided to watch another American show, I want to recommend it! It's better to be over, otherwise I will be crazy when the second season of PB, the third season of LOST and so on come together. . . . . .
I wanted to watch nightmares and dreamscapes, but I was afraid. I had zero defense against horror movies since I was a child. When I was young, I was often frightened by the assassination monsters in Ultraman. . . . I read Stephen King in junior high school. Isn’t it scary? 80% of my brain’s automatic defense mechanism was forcibly activated, which reduced my reading ability. . . . .
Now I am looking at oc oth from the youth route? Or take the sex route, see The L word QaF, or continue the SF route to see Kyle XY, headache, I don’t want to

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.