Performance is more important than sportsmanship? "Icarus" exposes Russian sports doping scandal

Ward 2022-05-31 17:33:28

On July 28, the 18th Gwangju World Championships officially ended. The Chinese team ranked first on the medal list with 16 golds, 11 silvers and 3 bronzes, beating the best.

Sun Yang won two gold medals in the World Championships. Among them, he rose from second to first in the men's 200m freestyle due to a foul by his opponent. Prior to Sun Yang "violent resistance to inspection" into a storm of public opinion, and therefore suffered questioned the foreign media and some foreign athletes and ridicule Sun Yang said that "medicine was a liar."

Even during the awards, Horton, Scott and others refused to take photos with Sun Yang on stage.

Unexpectedly, she was slapped in the face by her own team member. Sheena Jack , an Australian player , tested positive for the AB bottle in the drug test and was found to be taking stimulants and other contraband.

Sheena Jie was the first to find out about the use of doping by the Australian Anti-Doping Organization. At that time, she was asked to stop the competition and return to China immediately, but the Australian Swimming Association concealed the matter and continued to participate in the competition.

When faced with questions from the media about the "same content", Holden and other contestants kept silent and double-specimen.

The controversy of doping in the arena has always existed. There are often some athletes who take risks for gold medals-taking doping.

The stimulant Dope was originally a stimulant mixed with opiate narcotic used in horse racing. Nowadays, doping is a general term for banned drugs in competitions .

At present, some of the drugs that are stimulants specified by the International Olympic Committee include:

Folded Chlorotristyrene

Additional supplementation or supplementation after ingestion of testosterone stimulates the production of "natural" testosterone through reactions.

Side effects: headache, nervousness and depression.

Folded nitroglycerin

Stimulate explosive power when sprinting and shorten the time of excitement.

Side effects: headache, high blood pressure and nausea.

Folding corticosteroids

To relieve pain, relieve fatigue and excite people. Very difficult to detect.

Side effects: diabetes, osteoporosis.

Folded Protein Synthetic Steroids

Promote muscle growth and development. When combined with high-dose Nandrolone, it can eliminate unwanted side effects from users.

Fold nandrolone

Promote the growth and development of muscles, increase training endurance and training load, its effect has never been proven.

Side effects: virilization of women, high-dose use may cause cancer, diabetes, severe mental disorder, etc.

Folded erythropoietin

Increase training endurance and training load

Side effects: blood clots, which can even lead to death in severe cases.

Folded testosterone

Increase the number of muscles

Side effects: acne, edema, reduced sperm count, death

Folding bronchodilator

It can not only play a stimulating effect (Shuchuanling is close to adrenaline), but also can improve respiratory function.

Side effects: rapid heartbeat, large doses can cause headaches and digestive disorders.

Folding protein synthesis hormone

Stimulate the growth and development of muscles

Side effects: Like other protein synthesis hormones, it may cause death.

Folded Nandrolone Phenylacetate

Strengthen athletes' muscles and reduce fatigue. It belongs to the synthetic hormone testosterone.

Once a stimulant is taken, it will cause a lot of irreversible harm to people's physical and mental health .

Netflix documentary "Icarus" (translated name "Icarus") noted recorded about "Hing stimulants," the issue , tells the story of an American and a Russian expert cyclists in the international sports arena, causing serious international sports scandals (Russia Sports "All drug taking" incident in the world).

"Icarus" won the 90th Oscar for Best Feature Documentary Film , and was regarded by the audience as Putin's least willing to watch a documentary.

Icarus Icarus: (Greek word Ίκαρος) is the son of Daedalus in Greek mythology. When Daedalus fled Crete with wax and feather wings, he flew too high and was affected by the wax on his wings. The sun melted, fell into the water and died, and was buried on an island.

Director Bryan Fogel directed and acted by himself. Bryan Fogel is an amateur cyclist (Tour de France). He wants to improve his ranking by injecting drugs.

Bryan has always dreamed of winning a Tour de France bicycle race, although he has achieved a good 14th place, but he thinks the top ten is very meaningful to him. But I have reached the bottleneck and it is difficult to break through, so I chose to take doping injections to participate in the competition.

The Tour de France is a multi-stage road cycling event and the most difficult amateur competition in the world, mainly held in France.

Since it started in 1903, it has been held in summer every year, with 23 days of each race, with an average race course of more than 3,500 kilometers. The complete schedule varies from year to year, but most of them circle France for a week.

The 106th Tour de France started on July 6, 2019, starting from Brussels, the capital of Belgium. The Tour de France will include 7 flat road stages, 5 hilly blocks, 7 mountain stupid stages, of which there will be 5 hilltop finish stages, namely Pretty Girl Heights, Tourmalet, Foix Prat d'albis, Tignes and Val Thorens, both above 2000 meters above sea level, are known as the highest-altitude Tour de France in history.

"Icarus" fully records the entire process of athletes using illegal drugs and doping, including their psychological changes.

The documentary uses three different story lines to tell about doping scandals in the Russian sports world, starting with Bryan's participation in the game to the Russian national anti-drug laboratory Grigory, and then to the two reporting.

The characters are converted between black and white, during which a large number of real-time news pictures and historical materials are inserted, and the incident is filmed in the form of comics and quotations. It is professional and has the quality of a blockbuster movie.

If you want to inject stimulants to participate in the competition, you don't have to take a shot. The injection process will be very painful, and the injection will take up to a year.

Needles of different thicknesses and sizes are used to inject various medicines into the body, and some need to be taken orally with medicines, plus extreme exercises. Every injection is frightening.

Although people do not seem to have changed significantly in a short period of time, and their physical fitness is getting better and better, side effects and psychological burdens also follow. After using doping, you have to find a way to avoid the drug test. If you fail, you will not be able to participate in the competition.

Therefore, Bryan found Grigory through others. He is the director of the Moscow Anti-drug Laboratory, hoping to help him pass the drug test smoothly.

In the end, even though Bryan successfully escaped the drug test, his results were a dozen places behind before. Through this competition, he realized that he could no longer achieve the top ten results at his age, and also began to reflect on his behavior of taking banned drugs.

At this moment, Grigory was under investigation by WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), and the laboratory was closed. He was finally judged to be the culprit of the doping scandal. For a while, all the spearheads were directed at him.

But in fact, the culprit is someone else...

Grigory's resignation was reported as taking the blame and resigning, being watched and imprisoned at home not to go out. In desperation, he decided to flee to the United States.

But shortly after he arrived in the United States, his friend, the former director of the Russian Anti-Drug Association, died suddenly of a heart attack, but Grigory knew that his friend had no history of heart disease, which made him even more afraid.

So he disclosed the fact that the country encourages the use of doping to the American media. He admitted that Russia had cheated on doping at several major international competitions and pointed the finger at the Minister of Sports and President Putin .

This is a Russian sports doping scandal that was supported by the state and taken the lead by the Russian National Anti-drug Laboratory. Almost all members of the Russian sports stimulus scandal caused a sensation in the world.

Finally, the International Olympic Committee re-evaluated the Russian athletes who won medals in the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. All Russian athletes who used doping were suspended, and the Russian National Anti-drug Laboratory revoked the qualification for review.

Athletes using "doping"

From the beginning of the lie to the end of the lie... the Olympic spirit of fair competition has actually become a weight in the political game in this scandal.

If others accept the lie, then the lie that entered history will become true.

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Extended Reading

Icarus quotes

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involves the use of doublethink. I was doing in parallel two things which cancelled out each other and being fully contradictory. Doping and anti-doping.

  • Grigory Rodchenkov: He wrote book. It is dangerous to write book in Russia.