The 4400 that people continue to look forward to

Lawrence 2022-08-03 11:41:38

After experiencing the prologue of the first season, I finally watched the second season intermittently recently.
In the second season, the plot is getting better in terms of production suspense, especially the episode where Tom and Alana met and the episode where the center was attacked by a 4400 member. The beginning of the episode was that Tom and Diana raised guns. At the beginning, they all aroused the appetite for watching.
In the last episode, with maia’s announcement that war is coming, and a series of trailer-style plots, there are reasons to make it the
only flaw in the continued anticipated TV series . It may also be the main problem of the suspenseful TV series, perhaps because of this. The production cost of the TV series? The use of some special effects shots and the effects of the scenes are just unsatisfactory.
At the same time, the theme song inside is very good, of course, the first one is the byebye baby that appeared in the first season, and the theme song a place in time that drives a suspenseful atmosphere.

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The 4400 quotes

  • Shawn Farrell: [to Jordan Collier] That baby really kicked your ass.

  • Diana Skouris: [Marco hands Diana the fake version of Maia's diary of predictions] This is insane. It's also the nicest thing anybody's ever done for me.