"Zodiac": Crime is a science

Abby 2021-10-19 09:47:47

Every country has unsettled cases, but not every unsettled case can cause people's attention or even panic. Britain has produced a "Jack the Ripper", and the United States has produced this "Zodiac Killer." The two things have similarities, that is, criminals are always a mystery and caused huge panic in society at that time.
What kind of criminals can cause people to panic? Probably a criterion can be analyzed. First of all, there is no choice to kill, which means that any person may be a victim. Second, there is no choice at the crime scene. As long as it is off the beaten track, it is possible. Of course, there are crimes. Time is also uncertain, etc. In this way, irregular crimes are the most terrible, and people are in an insecure state at any time. On the other hand, the fact that the police can never catch the real murderer will make the people feel more insecure, so panic is inevitable.
Two versions of the "Zodiac Killer" story have been filmed, and David’s this time is the third version. Although I have not seen the first two versions, I believe that David’s remake should be The most classic one, this is first determined by the story itself. The "Zodiac Killer" incident was real and had a great impact in the United States. In the end, it was not known who the real murderer was, but the suspects could be counted as a "thousand" unit. In the face of such facts, it is definitely out of time to give an answer, in which the compiling elements will be immediately reflected, and it is extremely irresponsible for those who have experienced the "Zodiac Killer" panic. In the new version of the story, there is a scene that brings the people in the play to the front of the screen. It should be the 1971 version of "Zodiac Killers." Of a wish. In fact, making the "Zodiac Killer" into a movie seems to be the murderer's own wishes, so David can be regarded as fulfilling the murderer's wish. Of course, whether the murderer is alive or not is still unknown, and may be unknown forever.
David has been living in Los Angeles since he was a child. Because the "Zodiac Killer" threatened to attack the school bus, this caused a lot of psychological fear for the children at the time. For director David, this fear seemed to be It is a shadow of childhood, which is certainly not easy to erase. So David used this feeling to shoot this film. One thing to be explained here is that this kind of social fear is extremely realistic, and may not contain much drama, so that people can really remember this matter. Therefore, this is what the director is trying to show. In "Fight Club" or "The Seven Deadly Sins", Lynch's technique is very ostentatious. It is not difficult to see that the whole story is a succession and fully meets the standards of a work. But for the Zodiac killer, Lynch adopted an extremely plain approach. Objectively speaking, this is a reduction, all the drama elements are downplayed, leaving only the truth, of course there is no truth. . Downplaying the elements of drama makes the whole case appear almost completely in front of the audience. It is not so much a film, but Mo Ruo said it is more a documentary, which is not only faithful to the social psychology of the time, but also faithful to director Lynch. Inner shadow.
For a suspense film, the identity of the audience is also a detective. The audience will involuntarily participate in the thinking of solving the case with the development of the plot, so the clues are the most favorite details of the audience. When every clue appears, the audience Will check whether this clue can lead to the answer to the final puzzle. However, the clues in this film are very complicated and even a little confusing, especially for viewers who have not experienced the Zodiac Killer incident at all, these clues often become misleading. But everyone knows that such complicated clues will inevitably be encountered in the process of solving the case. The work of the police is nothing more than eliminating them, screening for the evidence that is most likely to be close to the murder, and then continuing the investigation.
As mentioned earlier, the murder method of the murderer is actually very clumsy. Whether it is with a knife or a gun, it is very rough in Lynch’s lens, but it is as real as the murder scene in a battlefield video. This is abandonment. The movie dazzles the way of seeing and hearing. But in fact, every rough murder scene did not leave any traces, fingerprint evidence, etc. If it weren't for the text sent to the media, it might be unlikely that the police would attribute these cases to a murderer, but it was these texts that made the "Zodiac Killer" the focus of attention.
There is no doubt that it is the handwritten letters that really make this killer mysterious and terrifying, and these letters and the paper marked with cipher symbols sent with the letters have become the most important clues in the film. The first is the letter, which not only links all the cases together, mocks the police’s incompetence and shows the murderer’s inner hunter’s motives, and more importantly, leaves the handwriting. This is the evidence that has been emphasized in the film and the reason for the investigation. One thing about repeated frustration in the process is undeniable, and that is the frustration in handwriting appraisal. But in fact, only handwriting can become definite evidence, which is also a problem that the police cannot solve. In fact, those password symbols. Involving such things will show a kind of mystery, and it is a test of intelligence, but in fact, we see that passwords are very easy to solve. This simplicity has caused the reduction of mystery, so the case has returned to reality. Come, and the film style has returned to a more realistic documentary that is closer to popularization. The third message that came with the letter was the sign of the "Zodiac". There are two possibilities in the film. One is to borrow the trademark on the table, and the other is to borrow the used film braille from the movie title. Therefore, under the influence of symbols, words and signs, the zodiac has obviously become a criminal with high intelligence, but in fact, these three kinds of information contain an extremely uncertain factor, even if it is suspected. The biggest child molester, there is no definite evidence to make him fall for the law.
What needs to be emphasized here is that letters, passwords and logos are infiltrated into each other. First of all, the letter gave all the media and the police a preliminary understanding of the killer. He stated that he likes to hunt humans. This is a very important theme. It involves the irregularity of criminals and is also the cause of fear in the public. Where, so when the letter threatened to kill the students, the whole city fell into a state of tension. The hunting and killing produced a real effect after the cartoonist deciphered the code for the second time, and that was the film "The Most Dangerous Game". This is a movie from the 1930s. It tells the story of hunting people as prey on a deserted island in just sixty minutes of plot. This shows that the murderer is very fond of watching this kind of film, and it is very possible to get a kind of pleasure from this film, which will turn into the real fun of murder. People who like movies will naturally have special sensitivity to certain images in movies, so the "Zodiac" sign has become a symbol in waste film. Of course, people who like movies may be those who are engaged in movies, and maybe they want to make their own things into movies as the letter says.
All of these are inextricably linked, but in fact, the connection of each clue is not very close, and it mainly exists in the imagination of cartoonists. There is no evidence at all. The clues of these connections put many possibilities in front of the solver or those who have the ambition to solve the case, and it is also uncertain. Therefore, the old man who painted the movie poster was first rejected by the cartoonist, although he was greatly affected by it. The fright.
We can almost see that whether it is the cartoonist Robert or the columnist Paul, what they use is a kind of logical analysis, trying to run through the entire criminal process of the Zodiac Killer, including various factors such as motivation and time. But in fact, the most critical issue is evidence, which is what Robert and Paul are missing together. For pragmatic Americans, for law, evidence is obviously more important than these Luo Ji thinking.
Handwriting and fingerprints became the key to the police's verification. But it is a pity that, first of all, there have been discrepancies in handwriting problems. Even among the more than two thousand suspects, no specific notes can be found. And fingerprints are nothing, but the footprints of a pair of military shoes, gloves and blood cloth have left some clues for the police to follow. We will be surprised to find that criminals actually leave clues when committing crimes, such as the man who had not died during the first homicide, such as the disappearance of the criminal in the murder of the taxi driver, and so on. Although these clues exist, in fact each clue still cannot solve the road to the mystery.
The two clues of seeking verification and seeking logic are deduced by amateur police detectives and professional police detectives respectively. Of course, all these clues are actually intertwined. It is just that individuals tend to pursue different directions due to different personal conditions. But by the end of the film, Robert and David reached a consensus, that is, the accusation of the criminal Ray. From a logical analysis point of view, Lei is a complete murderer, that is, he coined the term Zodiac Killer, and he was the criminal of the July 4th murder. The more important thing is that he has the sign of the watch and the time of sending the letter. But logic still cannot be a proof. Notes and fingerprints are still uncertain, so his trial is still unknown, not to mention that he died before the trial. This criminal is established, but this criminal is a zodiac killer is completely a hypothesis. It may be regarded as an absolutely vague answer given by the director.
In fact, we know that this film has no answer at all. All the clues are uncertain, and they are not enough to lead the police or the audience to the real murderer, so the end of the film is still open. But there is no denying that the director’s skill is clearly reflected in this point. The seemingly messy clues are clearly narrated through the four main characters, and they are mutually infiltrated, orderly, and even give people an epic feeling. I am afraid that this kind of narration must be documented, which not only respects the truth, but also expresses an objective attitude. This is completely different from the dramatic movies such as "The Seven Deadly Sins". And the uncertainty of this clue and the open ending will undoubtedly make the audience go deep into the analysis of the case.
(Gossip, I personally think that the Zodiac was created by someone, but in fact it does not exist. It is just that someone has gathered several cases together. The sense of involvement of those letter signs and passwords is a manufacturing method. Ray may be The murderer of the first case. The poster is most likely the one who created the Zodiac Killer. Of course, it is pure speculation and should be fun.)
David Lynch’s narrative is slow and moderate. Although the sense of rhythm is not obvious, the documentary style shows a sense of plainness, objectivity and accuracy. This sense of involvement is a manifestation of the director's skill. But if you only clarify the clues of the case in the film, it is obviously not the manifestation of the film, but more importantly the changes in the characters. The film mainly involves four characters, cartoonist Robert, columnist Paul, detective David and Bill. In the process of tracing the zodiac killer, these four people all fell into a state of madness to varying degrees. Bill withdrew first, he could no longer bear the pressure, and Paul almost made the zodiac killer a sign of a higher level of his career. David was obviously unwilling to leave the case in this way, and fell into a state of madness. The nature is Robert. Robert’s career as a cartoonist was not very good, until he saw those passwords. Due to his talent, he had a special sensitivity. In this case, finding the zodiac killer became a key to prove himself. Jian, and he himself is full of curiosity about this mysterious assassin. His greatest wish is to face the assassin and look into the assassin's eyes. If the other three have a secular purpose, then Robert is obviously an instinctive interest and enthusiasm for unsolved mysteries, so that he lost his attention to reality in the process of his own detection. The behavior of the Zodiac is mysterious, but in fact it has changed over time. More importantly, the world has become more terrifying, but the obsessive Robert apparently did not notice these changes, and he was completely obsessed with it.
In fact, it’s hard to say whether anyone besides Robert is also very concerned about the Zodiac Killer. This precisely reflects the psychological impact of the killer on people at that time. Terror is the mood of most people, and there is another way. It is anxiety, that is, when a person like Robert is investigating a case, he is eager to have a successful understanding of himself. Therefore, he must investigate the case. Only when the murderer is found is his knowledge of himself. Behaved vividly and vividly.
What the truth is, the director, the audience, those Americans who have had memories, and even the victims may not be able to say clearly. Such an unsuccessful film full of uncertainties from the clues to the ending gives people a calm and objective documentary feel. Obviously, this is a dislocation of technique. And this kind of misplacement shows its power even more on this real thing. Perhaps the director is reflecting through this famous event that many of the facts we have seen may be hidden behind more secrets, perhaps all the facts. All are actually untrue or maybe untrue, and the connection is chaotic and uncertain.
I believe that every viewer who has watched this film will look for the "Zodiac Killer" in his heart. Is there an intellectual competition here? The author dare not assert, but one thing is that all "Zodiac killers" are definitely uncertain, but what does it matter? Crime is a science, and detection is also a science, but compared with uncertainties, both sciences seem pale, so the best knowledge is still uncertain. This is not only an affirmation of the Zodiac Killer incident, but also an affirmation of the director, of course, it is the greatest encouragement for the thoughtful lovers!

Han Xi
2007-7-20 in Tongzhou

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Zodiac quotes

  • Robert Graysmith: Dave, he made a mistake! The birthday was the one time that he was weak, the one time he gave something away!

    Dave Toschi: Robert...

    Robert Graysmith: It's Arthur Leigh Allen!

    Dave Toschi: Where did you get that name?

    Robert Graysmith: December 18th. He called the Belli's house. "I have to kill. Today is my birthday." It was his birthday. Arthur Leigh Allen was born on December 18th.

    Dave Toschi: Get in here.

  • Cecilia Shepard: Someone else is here.

    Bryan Hartnell: It is a public park.

    Cecilia Shepard: I think he's watching us.

    Bryan Hartnell: Well, we're very good looking.

    Cecilia Shepard: Where'd he go? He went behind that tree.

    Bryan Hartnell: All right, so he's taking a leak.

    Cecilia Shepard: He's coming towards us. Oh my god, he has a gun!