Everyone has their own story, please respect their story

Blaze 2022-04-24 07:01:23

Japanese movies always seem to have no ups and downs in the plot, but always reveal delicate emotions in the plain stories, and this movie is the same: The spirit of craftsmanship, using experience to "beauty": The beauty here is in the film The superficial meaning displayed is delicious food. Dejiang came to the shop before dawn, treated the beans with heart and made the most delicious bean paste; at a deeper level, it was a good attitude to life. Dejiang suffered from leprosy in his early years. Sick, isolated in remote areas, and even unable to save her own children, but she is still willing to write her own life with an optimistic and life-loving heart. Everyone has their own stories, please respect their stories: The store manager and Dejiang should be regarded as people with the same soul, they have similar stories, and they all have loneliness that is not understood by others. It's like a big mountain, no matter how you move it, you can't move it. We blame the little girl for indirectly spreading rumors. We feel chilled by the indifference of human nature. Maybe when such a thing falls to our side, will we be among them? What about one member? Dejiang treats others with the greatest kindness and strives to live his own life well, but his story is still not respected by others. May everyone's story be respected even if it is not accepted. (ps: Let me add a point here. This film can be seen more clearly. Good acting skills are not exaggerated body movements, but delicate emotional expressions. Dejiang's lonely eyes really poke my tears.)

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.