Never lose hope in life

Issac 2022-04-23 07:04:06

The Taste of Sand (2015)
2015 / Japan, France, Germany / Drama / Kawase Naomi / Tree Hirin Nagase Masahiro

☀️Do not lose hope in life no matter what☀️



In the spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, an elderly lady came to a humble dorayaki snack shop and asked the manager, Chitaro, if he was hiring.

She is the heroine of this film, Ms. Tokujiang.


In the leafy summer, Ms. Tokujiang helped make bean paste at the Dorayaki snack bar, attracting a large number of customers queuing up to buy it.


In the autumn when the autumn was getting cooler, she reluctantly left the Dorayaki snack bar, just because the customers knew that she was a leper.


My initial understanding of lepers was in Victoria Hislop's "Island", and what impressed me most was the lepers who lived on the small island of Spinalonga.

The first half of the film focuses on the production process of dorayaki, while the second half focuses more on the living conditions of lepers.

I have to say that Shu Xilin's acting skills are really great. When I saw her hands covered with red spots, my eyes turned red all of a sudden. ?

If there is no pain, Ms. Dejiang will definitely live better because she loves life very much ❤️.

Even though she was sick when she was young, and now she is in her old age, she is still full of hope in life, she likes to make food by herself, like to do handicrafts, she has a pair of skillful hands...

It's just that there is nothing if, she still lives happily and is full of gratitude for everything that life has given. This attitude is worth learning.


In the end, Chitaro, the store manager under the cherry tree, had a particularly loud cry. He had a shy smile on his face. It felt so good. Maybe he also felt it from Ms. Dejiang. Don't lose hope in life anyway.

In fact, our life is not like the production process of the bean paste. When making the bean paste, the red beans are soaked in water, rinsed, then boiled, and finally the bitterness of the red bean itself is discharged, and the bean paste in the dorayaki is obtained. The sweetness of... This also shows that life is also like this, we have to go through a series of hardships, and finally we can end the hardships.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.