save people and save themselves

Forrest 2022-04-23 07:04:06

This is a heartwarming story about "salvation" and "self-rescue". People in the world must save themselves before they can save others, and they must save themselves before they can save others.

The footage of the film is calm and detached, telling the story that happened in the Dorayaki shop indifferently. It is like the eyes of Ms. Dejiang, peacefully observing the changes of the world and listening to all the stories in the world. The process is full of deep Zen.

The character setting of the story is very heartfelt. Wakana, a high school dropout, was about the same age Ms. Tokue was when she was quarantined with leprosy. The age of the store manager is about the same age as Ms. Dejiang's child whose miscarriage was removed. Wakana and the store manager represent the two most important painful nodes in Ms. Dejiang's life. Wakana represents Ms. Dejiang's tragic experience of social abandonment from normal to isolated patient. The store manager represents Ms. Dejiang's experience of losing the possibility of a woman being a mother. As a "human", losing freedom is a cruel punishment; as a woman, not being a mother is a ruthless destruction. In addition to the things that best represent the meaning of life, what is the meaning of life?

But that tragic experience did not make Ms. Dejiang lose her will to "live". There are a lot of empty shots in the movie. There are still lifes like waiting, animals like Zen machines; the wind swirls the leaves, the cold and high moon, the blooming cherry blossoms, the people queuing to buy dorayaki, they all have their own stories. The meaning of Ms. Dejiang's life is to listen to the stories of all things in the world and communicate with them attentively.

she says:

when i make bean paste

Always listen to the stories the beans tell

Imagine the sunny and rainy days the beans have seen

The breeze blew what the beans were talking about

Listen to their journey stories

yes listen to them

I think everything in this world has a story to tell

even the sun and the wind

also hear their stories

Maybe for this reason

The breeze came in last night

Blowing over a fence of holly trees

Seems to be telling me I should get in touch with you

We want to live our own lives away from right and wrong

But sometimes hurt by the ignorance of this society

Sometimes we have to use our own wisdom

Ms. Dejiang's heart is extremely rich and deep. She heard the story of all things, and she lived happily for it. She saves herself from devastation and despair.

Ruocai lives in a single-parent family without much warmth, but at least she is young and healthy, which is hope. Although the store manager was imprisoned and owed a huge debt that he needed to repay for the rest of his life, he was free and deeply involved in society. For him there is still room for everything.

The appearance of Ms. Dejiang is like the sunshine that breaks through the dark clouds and reaches the soul in the dark life of two people, and Ms. Dejiang is Mr. Sun, who puts warmth on the two desperate people. She uses her life philosophy to enlighten two people who have fallen into desperation. Sadness, despair, listen to the story, listen to the story of all things in the world. It will make people rich inside and work hard to live. Like red beans trying to turn into delicious bean paste...

The film tells the bitter story through the sweet and sweet dorayaki. Under the fine taste, it turns out to be such a delicious taste. Pulled away from the movie, we can all go out and listen to the story.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.