We are all ordinary people.

Marcus 2022-04-22 07:01:49

The three people in the film are all characters in our lives. I suddenly realized that the difference between movies and TV series, a good movie must show real human nature, while TV series usually have the halo of the protagonist. (Except for a few favorite Korean dramas.) Ms. Dejiang in the movie, the store manager, Wakana. A leper, a poetic man who has been in prison, a high school student from a poor single-parent family.

They don't have any protagonist halo, they all seem to be friends we meet in life. Incredibly real. And the film reminds me personally.

Don't say it, it's not good to say it. A lot of Japanese movies fit my aesthetic. Two words, beautiful.

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Extended Reading

Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.