go see, listen, be yourself

Peggie 2022-04-22 07:01:49

Dejiang suffered all kinds of misfortunes because of leprosy, but she did not become an unfortunate person. She became a lovely person who listened to Douzi's stories, talked to Douzi, and greeted the cherry tree.

"Mr. manager, how is the situation in the store, I'm worried that your mood will drop. When I make bean paste, I always listen to the stories told by the beans, imagine the sunny and rainy days that the beans have seen, and the breeze The content of the beans' conversation blows over, listen to their journey stories, yes, listen to them, I think everything about time has a story to tell, even the sun and the wind, you can hear their stories. Maybe that's why , last night, the breeze came over and over the fence of the holly tree, it seemed to say to me, I should get in touch with you. Mr. Manager, we want to stay away from right and wrong and live our own lives, but sometimes we are swayed by this society hurt by the ignorance, sometimes we have to use our own wisdom, I should have told you earlier. Mr. store manager, I believe that one day, you will create your own dorayaki, realize your own ideas, and go with confidence Your own way. Mr. Manager, I believe you can do it."

"We are born into this world to see and hear, and because of that, we don't have to be someone, we have a meaning for our own existence."

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Extended Reading

Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.