The taste of clear sand, I seem to have eaten it.

Kay 2022-04-21 09:03:14

I went to buy steamed buns at noon that day, because the steamed buns that I usually like to eat were gone, so I tried to buy a bean paste bun. When I took the first bite, I seemed to taste the kind of red bean filling made by Grandma Dejiang. The taste, intuition tells me that it seems to be that taste. I didn't like buns with sweet fillings before, but the taste of this bun made me like it very much.

I like the movie Reed Jiang's so affectionate and tender eyes towards the cherry blossoms, and the scene where the cherry blossoms are slowly falling. It seems that life is so slow, we should enjoy life and enjoy spring.

"Because we're serving them, they come all the way from the field. It would be rude to cook them right away, and we're going to get the beans to get used to the sugar, like, like on a first date, young people want Take the time to get close. When I make bean paste, I always listen to the stories the beans tell, imagine the sunny and rainy days the beans have seen. The breeze blows over what the beans are talking about and hear stories of their journeys. Yes Yes, listen to them. I think everything in this world has a story to tell, even the sun and the wind. Maybe that's why the breeze came in last night and blew through the holly fence , seems to be saying to me, I should contact you. Mr. Manager, we want to stay away from right and wrong and live our own lives, but sometimes we are hurt by the ignorance of this society, and sometimes we must use our own wisdom. I should have told you this earlier. Mr. Manager, I believe that one day, you will create your own dorayaki, realize your own ideas, and have the confidence to go your own way. Mr. Manager, I believe in you I can do it. Manager, thank you, you are very kind to me. I had a great time. Manager, I'll be fine. Manager, just smile when you eat something delicious. I enjoy it This feeling. I'm very happy. That cherry tree is very beautiful, and that was when the cherry blossoms started to bloom. The first time I saw you, manager, was when I was walking every week, and I was blown away by the clear air in the air. The sweetness attracted me, and then I saw your face, there was so much sadness in your eyes, it seemed so painful. I can't help but want to ask, why do you have those eyes. Because I used to have that look when I I thought I would never be able to go outside the fence again, that expression on my face. So, I was drawn to it. I stood in front of the store and thought, if my baby is born, it's probably the store manager who is as tall as you. Manager, that day, the full moon whispered to me, I want you to be able to see, so I'm shining. Manager, you know, we were born into this world to see, to hear, and because of that, we We don’t have to be someone, we have our own meaning of existence.”

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Extended Reading

Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.