Tree Shirin makes the soul of the movie more full

Edmond 2022-04-20 09:02:24

I saw many voices in the film critics saying that the director wanted to talk too much; the last paragraph had a strong sermonic meaning; the plot of the leper was more forcible, etc., I couldn't help but want to talk about my thoughts from the perspective of the plot.

When I watched it at first, I also felt that the character of the tree Xilin was too sentimental to be able to empathize: listening to the voice of the tree and the voice of the wind and even shouting at the bean paste? ? ?

But this is actually reasonable under the setting of the movie - first of all, the leper community is not a secular society in the ordinary sense, and it is not abrupt to establish a child-like naive and careful character in this environment.

Only on the premise of the success of this character design can the plot of the story be rationalized: when such an old grandmother saw the sad expression of the store manager, she took care of her as much as she could; the first time she saw a female student, she Moon makes a promise; still hopeful at the end of her life to the store manager and the schoolgirl. Tree Xilin's full acting skills and emotions made this role stand.

Therefore, the relatively weak one-sided acting skills and plot explanation of the store manager and the female student are more like the director's deliberate blank space under the background of the tree Xilin, which is not too disappointing.

And the progress of the plot from bean paste - to leper care - to the search for the meaning of life is also like real life - along with the gradual discovery of new things, it may suddenly enter a new stage theme.

To sum up, I understand the director's intention to tell a beautified theme through the designed "reality" segment: "The world kisses me with pain, and I repay it with a song." If the film simply chooses the above three different Digging deeper into one of the themes of the plot may actually lose the audience’s realistic resonance, or use too much force in a masquerade manner. Of course, the premise is that one of the characters (in this film, Shu Xilin) ​​becomes the core fulcrum of the play with a full and successful role.

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.