Seriously bloom but also wither seriously

Ima 2022-04-20 09:02:24

Before watching the movie "The Taste of Orange Sand", I didn't know that the ordinary red beans that I usually eat can be treated so seriously, full of tenderness and patience.

The story begins when the cherry blossoms bloom.

Dejiang came to the Dorayaki shop to apply for a job when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The manager felt that she was too old and rejected her. She continued to apply for the job and brought her own bean paste. In fact, she has been making bean paste for 50 years, half a century.

The manager finally agreed after eating the bean paste. The store opened at 11:00 a.m. to welcome customers. Originally, the store manager asked Dejiang to come to work at 9:00 a.m., but she said no, we had to start preparing before the sun showed up. Since then, every morning, before dawn, the two have been busy preparing the bean paste. If you want to make a delicious red bean paste, you have to carefully screen the red beans, soak them overnight, steam the red beans until soft, and then let the water run on the tap to take away the astringency of the beans. Before boiling, pour in the soft white sugar, wait slowly, and wait until the beans get used to the sugar before starting the fire. Dejiang said that, like on a first date, it would be disrespectful to the beans to take the time to get close and cook them immediately.

Watch carefully as it boils, stir gently, and simmer slowly over low heat. These beans come all the way from the ground, and we have to treat them well, and occasionally say something like cheer to the beans in the pot.

The red bean that was taken seriously turned into a delicious red bean paste, and people began to praise it, and more and more people came to the store to buy red bean-filled dorayaki.

That day, the manager ate a whole dorayaki for the first time. In fact, he didn't like sweets, but he was very satisfied because of the delicious red bean filling made by Dejiang. Dejiang was surprised that a person who didn't like sweets could run a dorayaki shop.

Dejiang, a person who is full of joy in life, is very unlucky who has devoted so much patience and tenderness to a single bean. She suffered from leprosy as a child and was sent to an isolated leprosy hospital by her family. Even though she recovered later, she was still discriminated against. She loves every tree, leaf, flower and grass, talking to flowers and plants, stopping under the cherry tree to watch carefully, and swinging her arms in the wind to imitate the swaying leaves. She hopes to work hard at the dorayaki shop, be serious and responsible after work, pay attention to every step of making red bean paste, and make ordinary red bean paste to the extreme.

But even so, the story of Dejiang's leprosy still spread. People didn't dare to buy dorayaki in the store because she had this disease before, and the business in the store became more and more bleak. The store manager was reluctant to tell Dejiang the truth, and he couldn't bear to ask her to resign. He just said that she was too tired to close the store and take a rest.

Dejiang understands that he chooses to leave voluntarily. Later, Dejiang sent a letter to the store manager. She wrote in the letter: When I make bean paste, I always listen to the stories told by the beans and imagine the sunny and rainy days that the beans have seen... Mr. Manager, we want to live our own lives away from right and wrong, but there are Sometimes it will be hurt by the ignorance of this society. Mr. Store Manager, I believe that one day, you will create your own Dorayaki and realize your own ideas.

The store manager finally opened his heart. In fact, he was in prison in the past, and because his friends helped him pay off his debts, he had to stay in this small shop to sell dorayaki that he didn't like. Dejiang never returned to work at the store, and one day she left forever. The store manager was so sad that he cried, but under the influence of Dejiang, he gradually faced his life more bravely. He keeps making dorayaki, from sweet to savory, trying to find something more satisfying. In the end, he also left the store and started selling dorayaki at a stand under the cherry blossom tree. The sound of happy selling wafted along with the cherry blossom petals: "Selling dorayaki! Come and try it!"

At this point, I think he found his favorite Dorayaki. Maybe life is like this. You are a person who doesn't like sweets, but God has to give you a pile of dorayaki that is too sweet. But maybe you can walk slowly with confidence, and one day you will create your own dorayaki, realize your own ideas, and live your life more and more happily.

We were born into this world, to see and listen, we need to bloom seriously, accept the sun and rain seriously, and wither in earnest at the end.

Personal public number: After living in the bird's eye

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Extended Reading

Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.