Share half of your popcorn | "The Taste of Sand" video appreciation

Vicenta 2022-04-19 09:02:44

Lin Yutang once said that the degree of a person's enlightenment is equal to the depth of his suffering.

So, why do you think Grandma Dejiang can say these words?

"Every time I make bean paste, I will listen carefully to Xiaodouzi's story, and I will imagine the wind, rain and clear sky that Xiaodouzi has experienced and what kind of wind can blow Xiaodouzi here."

"The full moon that night, it said to me that I am so bright so that you can see me."

"Last night, I heard the wind coming from across the woods. It seemed to be saying to me that I should talk to the store manager. In life, even if we try not to make mistakes, sometimes we can't escape the misunderstandings of the world. At this time, we need We use our wisdom."

I can really feel the same way, because I have experienced it too; listening to the moon's voice is so common, because I spent a lot of time getting to know the moon; why do I care about the passing of a little bean, Because I think even the smallest things need to be respected and cared for, why do I know this? Because I also want to be accepted and greeted by the crowd.

Grandma Dejiang is a leper. For such people, no matter how much goodwill we have in our hearts, when we really see it, we will really avoid it. It is conceivable that when she walked into the crowd, how much rejection and malice she would suffer, how many tears she secretly shed in the unnoticed nights, to say cruelly, maybe she would cry righteously, It is only the company and sympathy of the friend Moon.

So, how is she going to digest all this?

Before, I always firmly believed that the environment is very important, and only by being with good people will I become better and better. But is Grandma Dejiang getting worse? No. At the end of the story, Grandma Dejiang did not die in the eyes of others, but Grandma Dejiang died of pneumonia. Therefore, it can still come out of the mud without being stained.

Hurt by the world, I really see through, I really understand, but I give up hatred, I give up revenge, I still choose to give kindness and smile in every moment of my life, even if I have not been treated like this, even in the future I wouldn't be treated like that either - that's what I saw from Grandma Dejiang.

You may think that this is deceiving children. How can this kind of oral education be achieved in practice? Have to suffer? If it is weighed according to the trend of the world and the interests, I agree with you. But if it were in God's eyes, I would leave you and stand with God.

Matthew chapter 5 Jesus said that if you remember a brother having a festival with you, you should leave the sacrifice at the altar, go and be reconciled to him first, and then come back to offer the sacrifice.

I have a festival with my brother, of course it is no problem, of course I have to bear the mistakes I make. But if it was a brother who had a feast with me, then the problem would be big. If others made mistakes, why should I go to reconcile? A fool wouldn't do that, would he?

But since Jesus said this, it means that this is the right thing to do, that we should do it, and that we can do it (by the power of God).

A teacher once said this sentence: Forgiveness is not only forgiving everything he has done, but I also want to help him rescue him from his guilt towards me.

So, hating people is too common, challenge yourself, no matter what happens, no matter how you are treated, don't give up your love, be filled with Him and fill others.

Recommended movie "The Taste of Sand" (2015 version)

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Sweet Bean quotes

  • Tokue: An is the soul of the doriyaki.

  • Tokue: We all have our stories.